Page 86 - Ninety Miles From Nowhere
P. 86

   Imogene moved to Albuquerque where she was librarian at the old Albuquerque High School on Central and Broadway. She went from there to be cataloguer at the State Library in Santa Fe for many years. She married Newton Curtis from Quemado who was then state senator who owned the Curtis Salt Company out by the Salt Lake northwest of Quemado. He brought in Zuni stone workers to build their home in Quemado and the building where the post office was housed.
Our Gila trip was only the beginning of traveling Imogene and I did during our summers. We went to Alaska by car and around the world by ship. I went with another friend soon after my retirement to spend six months on the island of Jersey in the Channel Islands between France and England. Several trips to Europe, Scandinavia, Tahiti, Hawaii, and England rounded out my traveling before I settled in the small town of Bosque Farms about nineteen miles south of Albuquerque. Here my life is quiet, but still full and interesting, with good friends like Elsie Goad, formerly of Socorro, to see often and talk to over the phone even more often. Circumstances seem highly comfortable for writing.
Attending the Magdalena Old Timers’ Reunion in 1985, I met for the first time in fifty-three years the three Ed Moore daughters, Mamie, Margaret and Edwina. All are now grandmothers. Such excitement and pleasure for me, as well as letters from Dixie and from Opal Owens - formerly Opal McCauley of Dusty.
In January, 1987, I was visited by Dixie and her daughter Barbara. Dixie and I had so
much fun - we just took up where we left off over fifty years ago.

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