Page 5 - Geologic Investigations in the Lake Valley Area, Sierra County, New Mexico
P. 5
Volume Contents
(Letters designate chapters)
A. Geology of the Lake Valley Area
By J.M. O’Neill, D.A. Lindsey, D.C. Hedlund, C.J. Nutt, and J.C. Ratté
B. Geophysical Investigations in the Lake Valley Area By D.P. Klein, M.D. Kleinkopf, and R.A. Wise
C. Mineral Deposits of the Lake Valley Mining District
By V.T. McLemore and C.J. Nutt, with a Geochemistry Appendix by V.T. McLemore and J.R. Herring
D. Geochemistry of Mine Dump Material from the Lake Valley Mining District By J.R. Herring and V.T. McLemore
References Cited [combined references for all chapters]