Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 34 2019
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operation of sustainable energy and gas projects, has satis ed the conditions precedent required to draw on the previously announced $750mn project nancing led by the World Bank’s IFC, the German export credit agency KfW and the Brazilian National Development Bank. GNA will apply the loan proceeds toward the com- pletion of the construction of the 1.3-GW rst phase of GNA’s LNG-to-power complex, known as GNA I.
The development of the second phase of the complex, a 1.7-GW LNG-to-power project known as GNA II, is already underway and energy contracts have been secured.
Upon completion, GNA I and GNA II will have 3 GW of installed capacity. is is enough to supply energy for up to 14mn households, mak- ing it the largest gas-to-power project in Latin America. GNA has a total licenced capacity of 6.4 GW and registered projects in the upcoming A-6 energy auction. GNA I and the LNG import terminal are expected to start commissioning by March 2020. In addition, GNA is developing o shore pipelines, gas-processing facilities and a liquids export terminal for pre-salt gas, as well as onshore pipelines connecting Acu to the gas pipeline grid. e total cost of the rst two phases of the GNA LNG-to-power complex is estimated to be in excess of $2bn.
EIG, August 21 2019
CGG begins new 3D
broadband survey in
deepwater Brazil
CGG has commenced acquisition of Nebula 3D, a new, large, long-o set BroadSeisTM survey located in the Campos and Santos Basins o - shore Brazil.
With an initial focus on Brazil’s 15th license round blocks, the data are being acquired by the Geo Caribbean, and a portion of the survey will provide 3D data coverage where no other 3D data currently exist. CGG Geoscience’s Subsur- face Imaging Center in Rio will employ the lat- est, most advanced data processing techniques to deliver exceptional imaging of pre-salt structures in these proli c basins.
Dechun Lin, CGG’s executive vice president for multi-client and new ventures, said: “CGG has the industry’s most extensive multi-client data library in Brazil and is the trusted source for ultra-modern broadband 3D data, particularly
over the pre-salt area. Nebula will further expand our vast contiguous volume of data in the Santos and Campos Basins, and interested clients will gain enhanced insight from our high-quality imaging to identify potential prospects over their purchased blocks in this highly prospec- tive region.”
e Nebula 3D survey is supported by indus- try funding.
CGG, August 27 2019
MODEC reports oil spill at
Espadarte field offshore
On Friday, August 23, MODEC informed Petroleo Brasileiro (Petrobras) that, after inspecting the external tanks, it had identi ed cracks in the hull of FPSO Cidade do Rio de Janeiro at the Espadarte eld, which lies in the Campos Basin 130 km o the coast of Brazil.
During the weekend, 1.2 cubic metres of residual oil leaked from the unit and was iden- ti ed and recovered. On Monday, August 26, a new over ight con rmed the presence of oil at sea in an estimated amount of 6.6 cubic metres. Seven vessels are already at the site for recovery and dispersion work, along with four support vessels and one chopper for over ights.
e increase in the extent of the cracks was noted from the beginning of the event. Even so, the vessel has continued to operate with stable positioning and safe conditions, under the per- manent monitoring of MODEC and Petrobras.
FPSO Cidade do Rio de Janeiro has been out of production since last year and is in the process of departure from the Espadarte site. All crew members were disembarked over the August 24-26 period and arrived safely at shore. MODEC, August 27 2019
Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados sign energy MOU
e prime minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Keith Rowley, and the prime minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the two countries on Saturday, August 24, in Bridgetown, Barbados.
Franklin Khan, Trinidad and Tobago’s min- ister of energy and energy industries, and the
minister of energy and water resources for Bar- bados signed on behalf of their countries.
e MoU establishes a general framework for both parties to undertake co-operative initi- atives, in the areas of energy, energy security and energy exploration, development and produc- tion in relation to hydrocarbon resources that extend across their maritime boundary.
In describing the push for co-operation in the energy sector between the two countries, Rowley said: “It is all good for Barbados, and it is all good for Trinidad and Tobago.”
He noted that once gas is found in Barbados’ territory and that gas nds its way to the market through the plants in Trinidad and Tobago, the discoveries would create a larger resource base for Trinidad and Tobago while allowing Barba- dos access to a market to sell whatever is found in their acreage.
e BHP energy company has made gas dis- coveries in the north-eastern areas of Trinidad and Tobago’s maritime zone, drilling successful wells close to the Barbadian border. e com- pany is also working in Barbados waters close to the border.
e prime minister said the agreement lays the groundwork for the two countries to act as one in encouraging investment in their o shore deep waters. In the coming months, it is expected that both countries will sign a unitisation and general framework treaty that will enable the exploration, development and production of hydrocarbon resources.
Of ce of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, August 24 2019
Week 34 28•August•2019
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