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for women up to 63 years. At the same time, 70% and 73% of the respondents, respectively, expressed a sharply negative attitude. Supporters of raising the retirement age are 7-8% among the respondents.
The optimal age for retirement is considered by most to be the current age: 60 for men (87% of respondents) and 55 years for women (84%). Only 13-14% of respondents consider it possible and later retirement, but mostly within 3-4 years in relation to the current date.
After retirement, only a quarter of respondents continue to work at present, and the same number worked in the past. On average, after retirement, women work up to 60 years, men - up to 64 years. Accordingly, half (51%) of the surveyed population stopped working to reach the retirement age.
Among the reasons for which the work had to be abandoned, respondents most often indicated the state of health, physical and psychological fatigue (58% of respondents). Almost one in five (18%) pointed to such a reason as the difficulty of finding work in case of dismissal on the initiative of the employer, or in case the employee wanted to find a more suitable job. Another 15% of the respondents referred to family circumstances. And only 7% said that they have enough pension to not work.
The most common motivation for continuing the work was saving income and the opportunity to save money for the period when the work is over. It was indicated by 2/3 of the respondents. The second most widespread motivation for continuing the work was the work itself: unwillingness to change the working life style to pension, interest in their work, its social significance and importance (44% of respondents indicated it).
In this context, the government's promise to raise, on average, a monthly pension of 1,000 rubles, when transitioning to a new retirement age, is unlikely to radically change the attitude of the population towards this innovation. According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, the average old-age pension is 14,152 rubles. At the same time, the minimum amount of pensions required, according to respondents, should be on average no less than 26,000 rubles.almost twice the current level. Therefore, the promised increase does not solve the problem of a sharp decline in the standard of living in retirement, since the main source of subsistence for pensioners is pension (78% of respondents indicated this).
It should be noted that not only raising the retirement age, but other government decisions affecting the material interests of pensioners, cause a negative attitude of the whole population.For example, 75% of the polled consider the decision of the government not to index the pension in connection with inflation to working pensioners is wrong. The idea of not paying a pension to working pensioners, which was once a subject of discussion as a way to increase the size of pensions for non-working pensioners, is also not supported by the majority of the population: 85% of respondents think it wrong to deny pensions for those Russians who have reached retirement age.
6  RUSSIA Country Report  August 2018

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