Page 3 - TURKRptMay19
P. 3
5.2.4 Gross intl reserves
5.3 FDI
5.4 External Debt
6.0 Public Sector
6.1 Budget
6.1.1 Budget dynamics - specific issues 6.1.2 Budget dynamics - tax issues 6.1.3 Budget dynamics - privatization
6.2 Debt
6.2.1 Local debt dynamics 6.2.2 Private debt dynamics 6.2.3 Regional debt dynamics
7.0 FX
7.1 ANALYSIS: Is the Turkish lira any less vulnerable than last year? 7.2 Lira under control of “invisible hand”
8.0 Financial & capital markets
8.1 Bank sector overview 8.1.1 Earnings
8.1.2 Loans
8.1.3 Deposits
8.1.4 NPLs
8.1.5 NIMs & CARs
8.1.7 Banks specific issues 8.1.8 Banks news
8.2 Central Bank policy rate 8.3 Stock market
8.3.1 Equity market dynamics 8.3.2 Dividend dynamics 8.3.2 ECM news
8.4 International ratings
8.4.1 International ratings - specific details of rating actions corp/regional etc
8.5 Fixed income
8.5.1 Fixed income - bond news
8.5.1 Fixed income - govt funding plans
9.0 Industry & Sectors
9.1 Sector news
9.1.1 Oil & gas sector news
9.1.2 Automotive sector news
9.1.3 Transport sector news
9.1.4 Construction & Real estate sector news 9.1.5 Retail sector news
9.1.6 Agriculture sector news
9.1.7 TMT sector news
9.1.8 Tourism sector news
9.1.9 Utilities sector news
9.1.10 Metallurgy & mining sector news 9.1.11 Other sector news
9.2 Major corporate news
3 TURKEY Country Report May 2019