Page 79 - TURKRptDec19
P. 79

 For the Turkish real sector, the next scheduled eurobond redemption is scheduled for April 24, 2020 when Koc Holding will repay $750mn (XS0922615819) of debt which was already refinanced in March this year​.
Also in 2020, Yasar Holding will redeem, on May 6, $172mn (XS1132450427) while glassmaker ​Sisecam will repay, on May 9, $300mn, already refinanced in March this year​. ​Mersin Port will redeem on, August 12, $450mn​ ((XS0957598070).
Fitch Ratings rates Turkey at BB-/Stable, three notches below investment grade. Moody’s Rating Services rates Turkey at B1/Negative, four notches below investment grade, while Standard & Poor’s has Turkey at B+/Stable, also four notches below investment grade.
8.5.1​ Fixed income - govt funding plans Domestic Government Debt Auctions and Borrowing Program
17-Sep 17/09/2021 17-Sep 17/09/2021
21-Oct 01/08/2020 21-Oct 10/20/2021 22-Oct 10/07/2020
22-Oct 06/05/2024 30-Oct 30/10/2020 30-Oct 30/10/2020
5-Nov 24/07/2024
5-Nov 30/10/2024 11-Nov 20/10/2021 11-Nov 06/11/2024 12-Nov 07/10/2020 12-Nov 11/02/2026 12-Nov 04/11/2026 10-Dec 10/06/2020 10-Dec 04/11/2026 17-Dec 20/10/2021 17-Dec 06/11/2024 17-Dec 08/10/2021
13-Jan 14/04/2021 13-Jan 24/07/2024 14-Jan 20/10/2021 14-Jan 04/11/2026 21-Jan 22/04/2020
(TRY bn) Total Public Yield Paper Bids SoldB S (%)
79​ TURKEY Country Report​ December 2019
Gold-backed lease certificate (kg) (6-month coupon) Gold-backed bond (kg) (6-month coupon)
3-month bill (new issue)
2-year Fixed Semi-annual (benchmark) (new issue) 350-day Zero Coupon (re-open)
5-year CPI-indexed semi-annual (re-open)
Gold-backed lease certificate (kg) (6-month coupon)
Gold-backed bond (kg) (6-month coupon)
5-year fixed semi-annual (re-open)
5-year CPI-indexed lease certificate (direct sale) 2-year Fixed Semi-annual (benchmark) (re-open) 5-year CPI-indexed semi-annual (new)
329-day Zero Coupon (re-open)
6-year fixed semi-annual (re-open)
7-year floating semi-annual (new)
6-month bill (re-open)
7-year floating semi-annual (re-open)
2-year Fixed Semi-annual (benchmark) (re-open) 5-year CPI-indexed semi-annual (re-open)
2-year lease certificate (direct sale) (semi-annual) 455-day Zero Coupon (new)
5-year fixed semi-annual (re-open)
2-year Fixed Semi-annual (benchmark) (re-open) 7-year floating semi-annual (re-open)
3-month bill (new issue)
17.0 4.0 2.1 1.3 4.7 3.1 3.0 2.2
1.2 0.6 3.0 7.4 4.5 2.3
1.7 8.6 5.2 7.7 4.6 8.0 5.1 4.0 1.6 4.5 3.0
1 - - 14
0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5
- -
- -
1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5
14.47 14.18
3.97 0.75 0.75
12.27 3.27 12.25 12.54 14.96

   77   78   79   80   81