Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 48 2019
P. 12

New PGS MegaSurvey covers Peru’s offshore zone
PGS has reached an agreement with Perupetro to create a new MegaSurvey in Peru. First data will be available in Q1,-2020.
 is large-scale merged and matched dataset targeting the extensive coastline of Peru will provide an excellent opportunity to evaluate prospectivity on a regional basis.
The PGS Peru MegaSurvey comprises 21,000 square km of 3D seismic.  is data will be matched and merged, together with approx- imately 23 000 km of 2D data. The resultant dataset will be converted into depth from a seis- mic-horizon-constrained velocity model that extends through  ve di erent basins, from the proli c Talara basin in the north to the frontier basins in the extreme south.
MegaSurveys are very large, merged, post- stack datasets consisting of multiple surveys that have been rebinned to a common grid and then matched to produce a phase-balanced and uni- formly scaled contiguous regional volume.  is extensive coverage can be used to identify new prospects or to continue exploration in proven areas, revealing analogs of existing interests. Field-scale geological understanding can now be placed in a basin-wide context.  eir regional nature permits fuller exploration of tectonic and basin developments, leading to a greater under- standing of existing and potential petroleum systems.
The PGS Peru MegaSurvey covers exist- ing discoveries and licensing opportunities in open blocks. It can be used to pick prospects or
evaluate successes and failures across the region. The Peruvian continental margin is char- acterized by the Peru-Chile trench, where the Nazca Plate converges obliquely and subducts beneath the South American Plate.  is mar- gin is a classic accretionary prism, comprising a series of Mesozoic-Cenozoic fore-arc basins that form the continental slope.  ese basins are separated by rotated basement highs, generated by strike-slip faulting. Intermittent reactivation of these basement faults caused the extension and inversion of several o shore basins during
the Cenozoic.
The diverse regional geology provides a
range of structural and stratigraphic traps with reservoir intervals spanning Paleozoic-Tertiary. Mature basins with producing  elds to the north and underexplored frontier basins to the south provide the perfect exploration environment with many exciting opportunities.
A  rst merged product from the PGS Peru MegaSurvey will be available from Q1-2020. PGS, December 01 2019
Petrobras approves 2020-2024 strategic plan
Petrobras has approved its strategic plan for the 2020-2024  ve-year period, in line with the com- pany’s strategic positioning, released on Septem- ber 26, 2019, where the company aims to be the best energy company in generating value for the shareholder, with focus on oil and gas and with safety, respect for people and the environment.
Petrobras of the future will be a company
with an operational return higher than its cap- ital cost, positioned in world-class assets, with operation focused on oil and gas, advancing in the exploration and production of the Brazil- ian pre-salt, with an e cient re ning system, capable of processing 1.1mn bpd. In relation to renewable energy sources, the company will act in research seeking to acquire skills for the eventual positioning in the long term in wind and solar energy.
The CAPEX forecasted for the five-year period is $75.7bn, of which 85% is allocated to the E&P segment.  is allocation is in line with its strategic positioning, focusing on E&P assets, especially in the pre-salt, in which Petrobras has a competitive advantage and generates more return on investments.  e divestments fore- casted in the plan vary between $20-30bn for the 2020-2024 period, being the highest concentra- tion in the years 2020 and 2021.
Petrobras, November 29 2019
Bahamas Petroleum Co.
gives Bahamian mutual
fund initiative update
Bahamas Petroleum Co., the oil and gas explo- ration company with significant prospective resources in licences in The Commonwealth of  e Bahamas, is pleased to provide details of several important in-country developments, as the Company continues its co-ordinated work e ort toward drilling of an exploration well in  e Bahamas in 2020.
w w w . N E W S B A S E . c o m
Week 48 05•December•2019

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