Page 26 - RusRPTNov20
P. 26

        Duma: ​as usual the approval of the Duma remains underwater with 43 approving of its work in October, down 1pp from September, and 55 disapproving, up 1pp from September. Levada didn't poll respondents on the Duma during the worst of the coronacrisis months so there is no result for April, but the approval rating in March was 42 and the disapproval was 54 – almost the same as the current results. The population’s attitude to the Duma is very stable and largely negative.
International relations: ​Russian attitudes to Belarus are consistently positive and have remained at around 85 approval and 8 disapproval for several years. The last result was measured in August so there might be some change in the next poll, but as the current protests are associated with Lukashenko rather than the people the ratings are unlikely to change much.
If that is compared to attitudes towards the EU, those are a lot more fickle. At the last poll in August had turned positive again with 48 approving and 39 disapproving, but earlier in the year the situation was reversed with the majority disapproving.
  26 ​RUSSIA Country Report​ November 2020

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