Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 05 2020
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 e integrated contract model signed between Shell Exploración and Extraction de México and Grupo R will provide Shell with the drilling rig, as well as the support team to drill three wells (with the option of extensions) in deep water since the third quarter of 2020.
 e hiring of Grupo R is part of Shell Mexi- co’s strategy to accelerate deep-sea exploration in Mexican territory, strengthening the national oil industry with competitive, e cient and shared risk contracts.
“At Shell we are committed to promoting the development of a modern, innovative and competitive energy sector for Mexico. With the hiring and promotion of Mexican companies with extensive experience and capacity for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons, we favor the generation of quality jobs and help promote the development of the economy,” said Pablo Tejera Cuesta (Upstream Director of Shell México).
Ramiro Garza, President of Grupo R, said he was proud of this contract, as it demonstrates the quality that Grupo R has as a company. “We are proud that Shell has chosen Group R to provide the leasing services of the La Muralla IV deep- water drilling rig. For our Group, this contract is proof that we are a growing company with the ambition and the ability to become an interna- tional marine drilling company.”
Grupo R, February 3 2020
Equinor awarding contracts in Brazil
Equinor has, on behalf of the partners Exxon- Mobil and Petrogal Brasil, entered into Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) contracts with early commitments and pre-investments for phase 1 of the Bacalhau (formerly Carcará) area in Brazil. Contractors have been selected for both the SURF (Subsea, Umbilical, Risers and Flowlines) and the FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and O -loading) contracts.
Subsea Integration Alliance, SIA formed by Subsea7 and OneSubsea has been selected for the SURF contract and MODEC Inc. for the FPSO contract.
“Awarding these contracts is an important milestone in developing the Bacalhau area,” says Anders Opedal, Equinor’s executive vice pres- ident for Technology, Projects & Drilling. “We have awarded these contracts to reputable com- panies with long experience in Brazil and we are now looking forward to further collaboration with SIA and MODEC to ensure a timely execu- tion of the project.”
 e SURF and FPSO contracts are based on a two-step award.  e FEED and pre-investment are starting now, with an option for the execu- tion phase under a lump sum turnkey contract
setup which includes engineering, procurement, construction and installation for the entire SURF and FPSO scopes.
Equinor, January 30 2020
MODEC awarded contract by
Equinor to supply FPSO for
offshore field in Brazil
MODEC is pleased to announce that it has signed a Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) with Equinor Brasil Energia Ltda, a subsidiary of Equinor, to supply a Floating Production Storage and O oading (FPSO) vessel for the Bacalhau (formerly Carcará)  eld o shore Brazil.
MODEC was awarded a Pre-Front End Engineering Design (Pre-FEED) contract for the FPSO in December 2018 and has now been selected as the turnkey contractor based upon its successful execution of the Pre-FEED contract and its response to the subsequent Invitation to Tender (ITT).
 is contract is based on a two-step award.  e FEED and pre-investment are starting now, with an option for the execution phase under a lump sum turnkey contract setup which includes engineering, procurement, construction and installation for the entire FPSO scopes. Option for the contract is subject to Equinor’s planned investment decision for Bacalhau late 2020.
 e FPSO vessel will be deployed at the Bacal- hau  eld, Block BM-S-8, located in the giant pre- salt region of the Santos Basin some 185 km o  the coast of the municipality of Ilhabela/SP, in the state of São Paulo. Equinor’s  eld partners are ExxonMobil (40%) and Petrogal Brasil (20 %)
MODEC will be responsible for the design and construction of the FPSO, including topsides processing equipment as well as hull and marine systems.  e FPSO vessel will be permanently
moored at a water depth of approximately 2,050 metres by a spread mooring system to be sup- plied by MODEC group company, SOFEC, Inc. First oil production is planned in the 2023-2024 timeframe.
 e FPSO will be the largest FPSO ever deliv- ered to Brazil. It will have a large topside designed to produce up to 220,000 barrels of crude oil per day, produce and inject up to 530mn standard cubic feet of associated gas per day and inject up to 200,000 barrels of seawater per day. Its mini- mum storage capacity of crude oil will be 2mn barrels.
“We are extremely honored and proud to have been selected to provide a world class FPSO for Bacalhau project which is Equinor’s  rst pre- salt project in Brazil,” commented Yuji Kozai, President and CEO of MODEC. “We believe this is the start of a long-term relationship with our clients Equinor, ExxonMobil and Petrogal Brasil and an opportunity that strengthens MODEC’s position as the leading FPSO service provider to the industry. We are committed to carry out this major project by cooperating closely with our cli- ents in order to contribute to the advancement of theenergyindustryinBrazil.”
MODEC, January 30 2020
MODEC and partners to proceed with deepwater FPSO charter project
for Marlim field
MODEC, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and Marubeni have agreed to invest in a long-term charter business currently promoted by MODEC for the purpose of providing a  oating production, stor- age, and o -loading system for use at the Marlim  eld o  the coast of Brazil.
Week 05 05•February•2020
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