Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 30
P. 13

Altus Midstream acquires
stake in Enterprise’s Shin
Oak pipeline
Enterprise Products Partners and Altus Midstream announced the closing of Altus’ acquisition of a 33% equity interest in the Enterprise subsidiary that owns the Shin Oak natural gas liquids (NGL) pipeline, e ective today.  e 658-mile Shin Oak pipeline transports growing NGL production from multiple basins, including the Permian, to Enterprise’s NGL fractionation and storage complex in Mont Belvieu, Texas.
NGLs for the Shin Oak system are sourced primarily from Enterprise’s Orla natural gas processing complex in Reeves County, Texas, as well as Apache Corporation’s Alpine High play, via a long-term NGL sales agreement committing 100% of NGLs from that
acreage. Supported by long-term customer commitments, the pipeline will ultimately have capacity to transport up to 550,000 barrels per day of NGLs by the fourth quarter of 2019.
“We are very pleased to have Altus as
a partner in the Shin Oak pipeline, which facilitates continued growth of Permian Basin NGLs that are expected to more than double by 2025,” said AJ “Jim” Teague, chief executive o cer of Enterprise’s general partner. “In addition to providing much-needed takeaway capacity for NGLs, Shin Oak is a key asset in Enterprise’s integrated midstream network, which provides unparalleled access to the most attractive domestic and international markets.”
“Altus is pleased to partner with Enterprise on the Shin Oak pipeline,” said Clay Bretches, CEO of Altus Midstream. “Shin Oak is integrated with Enterprise’s existing pipelines and gas processing plants, which provide supply from multiple basins.  is integration, along with connectivity to Enterprise’s fractionation complex in Mont Belvieu, drives substantial volume through the pipeline
and provides superior  ow assurance for customers, which is a signi cant competitive advantage for attracting additional third-party business.”
Williams Seeks FERC
approval for Leidy South
project to increase
Marcellus and Utica
takeaway capacity
Williams announced today that its Transco interstate pipeline has  led an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) seeking authorisation for its Leidy South project, which is proposed to connect robust supplies of natural gas in the Marcellus and Utica producing regions in Pennsylvania with markets along the Atlantic Seaboard by the 2021-22 winter heating season.
 e Leidy South project will expand Transco’s  rm transportation capacity
by 582,400 dekatherms per day from the Leidy Hub and Zick interconnect to points downstream in Transco’s Zone 5 and Zone 6 market areas. Seneca Resources, Cabot Oil & Gas and UGI Utilities have executed binding, 15-year commitments for 100% of such capacity.
“ e Leidy South project will allow Williams to continue to grow our strategic footprint in the gas-rich Marcellus region, creating a unique opportunity to expand Transco by leveraging recent expansions on Williams’ Northeast Gathering & Processing assets in Pennsylvania,” said Micheal Dunn, chief operating o cer of Williams.
 e Leidy South project is designed
to minimize environmental impacts by maximizing the use of existing Transco pipeline infrastructure and rights of way
in Pennsylvania.  is includes 6.3 miles of existing pipe replacement, 5.9 miles of new pipeline loop segments along the existing
Transco pipeline corridor, and horsepower additions at two existing compressor facilities.  e project also will include two new green eld compressor facilities in Pennsylvania.
In addition, the project includes two lease arrangements: a capacity lease with National Fuel Gas Supply to enable the project to connect Clermont, Pennsylvania, to the Leidy Hub; and a lease of Meade Pipeline’s undivided ownership interest in the Central Penn Line from Zick to River Road. WILLIAMS, August 1, 2019
FERC approves Cameron LNG start
I grant your July 22, 2019 request for Cameron LNG to commence service for liquefaction and export activities from Train 1, the associated Outside Battery Limits facilities, and the associated Regas facilities. Your request is in compliance with Environmental Conditions 12, 72, and 73 of the commission’s June 19, 2014 Order Granting Authorization Under Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act and Issuing Certi cates (Order), in the above- referenced docket.
Based on commission sta  inspections and review of the commissioning activities for
the Cameron Liquefaction project, Cameron LNG has demonstrated that the above- mentioned facilities have been constructed
in accordance with commission approval and applicable standards and can be expected to operate safely as designed. Further, based on commission sta  inspections, I note that the rehabilitation and restoration of the areas a ected by the Cameron Liquefaction project are proceeding satisfactorily.
FERC, July 26, 2019
Concho Resources and
Solaris Water Midstream
form joint venture
for produced water
management in the
Northern Delaware Basin
Concho Resources and Solaris Water
Week 30 01•August•2019
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