Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 02 2020
P. 14

 “In our view, the economics for the South West Peninsula are very robust and depending on the test results from Saffron, we look forward to fur- ther appraisal drilling as is appropriate.”
The Saffron well was spudded on October 29, 2019, using Talon Rig #38. The well was planned and drilled as a vertical well to a measured depth of 4,634 feet (1,412 metres).
The Saffron well was originally proposed to be drilled to 4,600 feet 04 1,402 metres (meas- ured depth). Whilst drilling, the company encountered expectedly high formation pres- sures and undertook careful measures to ensure the wellbore remained stable. This involved increasing the weight of the drilling fluids within the Upper and Middle Cruse sections, as well as spending extended periods of time maintaining the wellbore.
In line with the Company’s Total Depth crite- ria, it was decided to case and complete the well at 4,634 feet (1,412 metres).
During drilling: the Upper and Middle Cruse sections, to a depth of 1,978 feet (603 metres), were evaluated using open hole Quad Combo logging tools; and the Upper and Middle Cruse sections, between 1,978 feet (603 metres) and 2,545 feet (776 metres) were evaluated using an open-hole Platform Express log.
Open-hole logging of the remainder of the well bore was not possible, owing to difficult in-hole conditions. The company then pro- ceeded to case the hole. The Company intends to complete the cased-hole logging of the well, to TD, in the coming days and then process and interpret the results in the coming weeks.
All analysis and information herein is based on the completed wireline logging data, corre- lated with drilling samples.
As previously reported, the Saffron well first encountered hydrocarbons (oil shows) at 500 feet (152 metres) whilst drilling the 8.5-inch pilot hole in the Upper Cruse. As such, the Company decided to widen the hole above the first encoun- tered show and set 13.625-inch casing, before drilling through the known hydrocarbon zone with a 12.5-inch hole.
This completion method allowed open hole logging to analyse both the shallow hydro- carbons as well as additional oil bearing sands encountered within the tertiary and secondary targets between 500 feet 152 metres) and 1,970 feet 600 metres).
The open hole logging within the tertiary and secondary targets (Upper Cruse and Middle Cruse, respectively), indicated that there were oil-bearing sands, in line with the producing off- set wells within the Bonasse field.
The TD cased-hole logging that will be com- pleted in the following days with processing and interpretation in the following weeks will assist in validating the previous logging over the Upper and Middle Cruse, and the company will provide
a consolidated interpretation for the Upper, Middle and Lower Cruse once the TD cased hole logging is complete.
The primary target of the Saffron well was the slope deposits of the Lower Cruse, which have not previously been drilled within the Bonasse licence area. Biostratigraphic analysis indicated the penetration of the Lower Cruse at approxi- mately 4,000 feet (1,219 metres), at which point the well was within good-quality sands and oil was observed across the shakers as well as within the drilling cuttings. The full potential of the Lower Cruse will be evaluated upon the process- ing and interpretation of TD cased-hole logging.
The company has a completion and testing plan that it plans to complete in Q1-2020.
The Saffron well was drilled in the Bonasse licence area in the South West Peninsula of Trin- idad, which includes the Bonasse field. The com- pany is the 100% owner of the Bonasse licence area.
The Saffron well is the first well drilled by Columbus ERP, as well as the first well within the Southwest Peninsula in over 11 years.
Columbus Energy, January 09 2020
BW Offshore
announces one-year
contract extension
for FPSO Polvo
BW Offshore has signed an agreement with Pet- roRio for a one-year extension for the lease and operation of the FPSO Polvo. The firm period has been extended to Q3-2021 (from Q3-2020),
with options until Q3-2022.
The contract has been extended multiple
times since the original firm contract ended in 2014, and this extension represents the seventh extension with the FPSO operating on the Polvo field in the Campos basin in Brazil during the whole period.
BW Offshore, January 13 2020
Maersk Drilling
secures contract from
Noble Energy for Maersk
Valiant offshore Colombia
Maersk Drilling has been awarded a contract for the 7th generation drillship Maersk Valiant which will be employed by Noble Energy for a one-well campaign offshore Colombia.
The contract is expected to commence in the third quarter of 2020, in direct continuation of the rig’s previous contract. The contract has an estimated duration of 65 days and a contract value of USD 18.2m, including mobilisation and demobilisation fees.
“We are very happy to be going back to Colombia for this contract, which adds further visibility for our floater fleet. We look forward to helping Noble Energy achieve their goals by uti- lising the Maersk Valiant’s integrated Managed Pressure Drilling capability which will be key to the success of this project,” says Morten Kelstrup, COO of Maersk Drilling.
The Maersk Valiant is a high-specification 7th generation drillship with integrated MPD capa- bility that was delivered in 2013. It is currently mobilising for a drilling campaign offshore Mexico.
Maersk Drilling, January 10 2020
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Week 02 16•January•2020

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