Page 13 - MEOG Week 26
P. 13

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materials such as plastic, carbon  ber, and glass  ber.
Saudi Aramco recently opened the Non- metallic innovation Center in the United Kingdom in collaboration with the UK- based Welding institute and the National Structural integrity Research Centre to conduct research and development of non- metallic technologies.  e center collaborates with leading academic institutions and manufacturers to develop, test, and market new products.
Fichte & Co seminar in Dubai addresses IMO2020
Fichte & Co Legal, one of the leading law  rms in the UAE, held a seminar in Dubai to address the iMO (international Maritime Organization) 2020 mandate and its impact on the world’s leading ports, such as Fujairah Port and Singapore
Group Photo of the Seminar Speakers 2 e speakers shared their insights on how to continue to grow and prosper in the maritime sector.
With the rapidly approaching regulatory change forcing ship-owners to comply one way or the other, the global marine  eet is set to experience great change over the next six months.
Fichte & Co’s event featured maritime experts and government o cials providing industry insights on how Singapore and the UAE can continue to thrive through this impending change.
Jasmine Fichte, legal founder and managing partner of Fichte & Co, said,
“ e UAE has already established itself as a nation that prioritises reinforcing a greener footprint and a more sustainable future.  e implementation of the UAE 2021 vision, which entails a full pledged sustainable structure for the country’s future, accordingly aligns with the iMO2020 sulphur cap.”
“UAE stakeholders dealing with HSFO (high sulphur fuel oil) should seek out a more sustainable plan to secure their position in the industry before the mandate is initiated and the seminar will enable forward-thinking to proactively plan for this,” she added.
“Alternative methods of vessel power generation and more innovation in wider industrial uses of fuel oil are required for the
UAE as part of a secured plan for maritime to continue thriving in the both regionally and globally,” she noted.
Hessa Al Malik, executive director of maritime transport sector at the federal transport authority - Land and Maritime (FTA), emphasised, “As a more stringent standard becomes the norm with the sulphur cap shi ing from 3.5 per cent to 0. 5 per cent on 1 January 2020, ship-owners and marine vessel operators must be adequately prepared now to avoid any last minute hassles.”
 e seminar was attended by representatives of both private and government, including Abdulla Al-Mestrih, acting head of the international cooperation department at the Federal Transport Authority for Maritime and Land (FTA).
 e speakers shared their insights on how to continue to grow and prosper in the maritime sector in both Singapore and the UAE despite the imminent change of the iMO2020.
Week 26 02•July•2019
w w w . N E W S B A S E . c o m

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