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 Table of contents
Country Report March 2020 Table of contents
1.0 Executive summary
2.0 Politics
2.1 CBR switches tactics from prudence to stimulus
2.1 Russian state spending to boost the real estate sector in 2020
2.1 Ownership of Sberbank transferred to NWF
2.1 Proposals for constitutional reform amendments become clearer
2.1 MInsk, Moscow agree tentative oil price compensation deal
2.1 Russia produced a record amount of oil in 2019
2.1 Russia produced a record amount of gas in 2019
2.1 Russia’s Central Bank’s prudential restrictions slowed retail lending growth and credit market plunged almost 22% in 2019
2.1 Watcom
2.12 Russian M&A, business and consumer confidence 2.13 Putin & government’s popularity
2.14 Politics - misc
2.11 Polls & Sociology
3.0 Macro Economy
3.1 Macroeconomic overview
4.0 Real Economy
4.1 Industrial production
4.2 Inflation
4.2.1 CPI dynamics
4.2.2 PPI dynamics
4.3 Industrial sectors and trade
4.3.1 Producers PMI
4.3.2 Corporate profits dynamics 4.4 Fixed investment
4.5 Labour and income
4.5.1 Labour market, unemployment dynamics 4.5.2 Income dynamics
4.5.3 Retail sector dynamics
5.0 External Sector & Trade
5.1 External sector overview
5.2 Balance of payments, current account
5.2.1 Import/export dynamics
5.2.2 Current account dynamics 5.2.3 Capital flight dynamics 5.2.4 Gross international reserves
5.3 FDI
2​ RUSSIA Country Report​ March 2020
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