Page 13 - TURKRptNov19
P. 13
Erdogan, his media and officials praise Zarrab as a hero for covering Turkey's current account deficit
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Zarrab receives the Turkish Export Award jointly from the hands of Deputy PM Numan Kurtulmus, EconMin Nihat Zeybekci, and President of the Turkish Exporters Council Mehmet Büyükeksi, in a ceremony attended by President Erdogan
Zarrab arrested in Miami, he says he went there for vacation
"It is not a case that interests Turkey," Erdogan comments on the arrest of Zarrab
US media suggests Erdogan and his wife request then US VP Biden and his wife to release Zarrab and dismiss then prosecutor Bharara
Trump elected as the president
US media suggests Erdogan holds a secreet meeting with Zarrab's lawyers Guiliani and Mukasey Atilla arrested in US during a roadshow for Halkbank
US also charges Aslan and then EconMin Zafer Caglayan. Caglayan is still in Turkey but Aslan is lost US media suggests Erdogan tries to swap Pastor Brunson with Zarrab
Zarrab cooperates with US prosecutors. He becomes star witness at ‘the US vs Atilla’ case
Zarrab tells the court that he was told in 2012 by Caglayan that then-PM Erdogan had instructed Turkish banks to participate in the multi-billion dollar scheme. Judge Berman, however, does not dig into the Erdogan issue
A day after Zarrab was testified at court, Erdogan seizes his and his families assets in Turkey Zarrab explains the sanctions evasion scheme in detail during the court hearings
Atilla returns back to Turkey
Bipartisan fury in US establishment against Trump for letting Erdogan to attack Kurds in Syria
Bloomberg reports Trump had in 2017 urged his then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to persuade the Department of JusticetodropitscaseagainstZarrab
TrumpimposesfakesanctionsonTurkeytostallthebipartisanfury USprosecutorsfileslong-awaited'theUSvsHalkbank'indictment
The indictment includes a reference to the participation of a “relative of the then-Prime Minister [Erdogan] who held multiple Turkishcabinetpositions”.Obviously,thenenergyministerAlbayrak.
Halkbank’s US lawyer says in a court filing that he was not authorised to accept summons or to appear in court on behalf of thebank
Son-in-lawAlbayrakappointsAtillaasthedirectorgeneralofBorsaIstanbul FitchmovesHalkbanktoRatingWatchNegative(B+) EBRDofficial,a10%shareholderinBorsaIstanbul,complainsabouttheappointmentofAtilla
First Hearing of 'the US vs Halkbank': Halkbank's lawyer does not attend, prosecutors call Halkbank 'fugitive', Berman gives two weeks, “I suppose that’s one way of integrating back into society someone who has been convicted of financial wrongdoing,”hejokeswithappointmentofAtillaatBorsaIstanbulassaying.
13 TURKEY Country Report November 2019