Page 43 - TURKRptNov19
P. 43
Reports suggest Turkish companies have requested that banks restructure at least $30bn of loans.
S&P’s lead Turkey analyst Maxim Rybnikov said in August that the combined level of problem loans, including both NPLs and restructured loans, was expected to rise to about 20% for the system as a whole.
Turkish banks have some Turkish lira (TRY) 296bn ($52.4bn) in “Stage 2 loans”—loans for which the risk of non-payment has increased significantly—on their books a banker briefed Reuters on September 30. Between 15-20% of that total would become non-performing loans (NPLs) under a “worst case scenario,” he reportedly added.
8.1.5 NIMs & CARs
8.1.6 Banks specific issues
● Garanti Bank
43 TURKEY Country Report November 2019