Page 71 - TURKRptNov19
P. 71

     9.2.6​ TMT corporate news
       The combined net sales of Turkey's GSM operators—namely Turkcell, Vodafone, Turk Telekom and TT Mobil—increased 11.16% on an annual basis to Turkish lira (TRY) 12.23bn (€1.9bn) in the first half of 2019​, data from market watchdog BTK has shown.
Largest operator Turkcell’s net sales revenues increased to TRY3.86bn from TRY3.42 while Vodafone saw only a small increase, moving up from TRY3.28bn to TRY3.33bn. Turk Telekom’s revenues rose to TRY2.83bn from TRY2.52bn. Turkey experienced double-digit inflation throughout the first half of the year.
According to the BTK data, there were a total of 81.6mn mobile subscribers in Turkey, corresponding to a penetration rate of 99.5%, as of end-July. The numbers for 3G and 4.5G users were 6.2mn and 73.4mn, respectively. Turkey has not yet launched 5G technology.
There were also 75.3mn fixed broadband subscribers and 11.47mn fixed phone subscribers as of end of June.
Turkcell’s monthly revenue per subscriber was TRY37bn in the second quarter while the corresponding figures were TRY34bn for Vodafone and TRY32.4bn for TT Mobil.
The four operators’ combined investments amounted to TRY2.4bn in the second quarter of this year, up from the TRY1.65bn they invested a year ago.
● Turkcell
  71​ TURKEY Country Report​ November 2019 ​ ​

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