Page 13 - RusRPTOct20
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        On August 11, Russia became the first worldwide to register the vaccine against the coronavirus, which was named Sputnik V, prepared by the Gamaleya National Research Center and passed Russian clinical trials in June - July. It is based on a known platform previously used to fight Ebola. On August 15, the Healthcare Ministry announced the production launch of the preparation. On September 8, the first batch of the vaccine was released for civilian circulation.
Russia has drawn heavy criticism for rushing the test and the fast track registration for vaccine that has as yet not been fully tested. However, now there is some evidence to suggest the data from the Phase II trials may have been falsified.
The researchers flagged concerns over seemingly identical levels of antibodies in a some of the small number of study participants who were inoculated with the experimental vaccine. They also identified other problems with the statistical distribution patterns of the results in the study. The numbers in a study like this should be random but mathematical technics can be used to test the randomness of the distribution of the numbers and identify patterns that usually mean the results have been tampered with.
The scientists wrote an open letter headed up by Temple University professor Enrico Bucci and was signed by more than a dozen other scientists.
The Lancet published results of the early-stage trial in the first week of December, offering the first look at the Russian study to be vetted by outside experts.
“We have shared the letter directly with the authors and encouraged them to engage in the scientific discussion,” the Lancet said in a statement as cited by Bloomberg.
The Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology and the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which are developing the vaccine, said the data was not manipulated.
The vaccine development is being funded by the ​Russian Direct Investment Fund​ (RDIF), which hopes to capture up to a third of the estimated $75bn market for a working vaccine. RDIF intends to sell 32mn doses of Sputnik V to Mexico, with deliveries starting in November, the sovereign wealth fund said in a statement September 8. It has also promised doses to Belarus, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
More than 20 countries have requested over 1bn doses of Russia's vaccine despite safety concerns raised by health experts.
The important large scale Phase 3 testing that will study 40,000 volunteers over 180 days began on September 8, the Health Ministry said in a statement. 10,000 of the trialists will take placebos. The first results from the Phase III study may be published in October or November, according to the RDIF.
 14 ​RUSSIA Country Report​ October 2020 ​ ​

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