Page 11 - RPTRusFeb17
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2.6  Russia still near bottom of Transparency Intl corruption ranking
Russia and Ukraine are among the most corrupt countries in Europe and Central Asia , according to the 2016  Global Corruption Barometer published by Transparency International  on November 15.
The survey found that 34% of households in Russia paid bribes for access to basic services, with a higher rate seen only in Ukraine (38%), Moldova (42%), and Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan (both 38%), and Tajikistan (50%).
In addition, households in Ukraine and Russia are more likely than those from any other country to have paid a bribe for public primary and secondary education, the Barometer claims. It estimates that 38% and 29% of households, respectively, paid a bribe for access to schooling in the past 12 months.
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are also among the countries were the least people think it is socially acceptable to report a case of corruption (10-17% of respondents), along with Armenia, Lithuania, Hungary, and a number of Balkan countries. The survey covers 42 countries in Europe and Central Asia, including EU member states.
11  RUSSIA Country Report  February 2017

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