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review schedule for the project. Once staff has reviewed both the responses and the PHMSA interpretation, the commission will issue a revised schedule for the draft and final EIS. This is not a suspension of the commission staff ’s review of Commonwealth’s project. Staff will continue to process Commonwealth’s proposal to the extent possible based upon the information Commonwealth has filed to date while awaiting the responses and the PHMSA interpretation.
NV5 awarded $8mn in LNG
utility projects to begin
NV5 Global, a provider of professional
and technical engineering and consulting solutions, announced today that it has been awarded two new contracts valued at $8mn for liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects
by two prominent Eastern US natural gas utilities. Energy utilities are considered critical infrastructure by the United States Department of Homeland Security, and these projects have already commenced.
NV5 was awarded a $6mn EPC (engineering procurement construction) contract for an LNG facility vaporization system expansion. This expansion will increase production capacity and improve reliability by adding redundancy. Design has begun on the new system, and the project is expected to be completed later this year.
NV5 was also awarded a $2mn EPCM (engineering procurement construction management) contract for the second phase of an LNG facility boil-off compressor project.
Design work on phase 2 will start immediately so that field construction can follow the completion of phase 1, which is currently being performed by NV5, and allow the project to be completed by the end of the year.
“Many of the projects that we design and support are considered critical infrastructure by the Department of Homeland Security guidelines related to essential services, including energy, transportation, water, and wastewater projects,” said Dickerson Wright, PE, Chairman and CEO of NV5. “The safety of our employees is our top priority, and while most of our engineers are working remotely, we have implemented social distancing and hygiene practices to protect our field and shop personnel.”
“These projects represent the continuation of very successful, collaborative client relationships and are a testament to NV5’s extensive experience and expertise in the design and construction of LNG systems for our utility clients,” said Peter Dirksen, PE, president of CHI Engineering Services, an NV5 company.
steam methane reformer (SMR) hydrogen production plants and the long-term supply of hydrogen from those already operating plants to PBF refineries. The SMRs, with a combined nearly 300mn standard cubic feet per day of production capacity, are located in Torrance and Martinez, California and Delaware City, Delaware. The deal is targeted to close during the third quarter of Air Products’ 2020 fiscal year.
“Air Products has a very strong balance sheet. This puts us in an outstanding financial position to execute our strategy of investing in long-term onsite deals, which includes asset acquisitions like the one we are announcing today. With this acquisition, not only do we gain five SMR plants, but we also secure a long-term hydrogen sale of gas agreement with an existing customer who is one of
the largest independent refiners in North America,” said Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer at Air Products.
PBF Energy chairman and chief executive officer Thomas Nimbley said, “PBF is
excited about expanding our long-standing relationship with Air Products. We are pleased to partner with a global leader in the industrial gas business and ensuring that our facilities continue to be supplied by a premier provider.”
Air Products is known as a leader in the supply of hydrogen to refineries in order to make cleaner burning transportation fuels. Hydrogen is widely used in petroleum refining processes to remove impurities found in crude oil such as sulphur, olefins and aromatics to meet product fuels specifications. Removing these components allows gasoline and diesel to burn cleaner and thus makes hydrogen
a critical component in the production of cleaner fuels needed by modern, efficient internal combustion engines.
AIR PRODUCTS, March 30, 2020
Calfrac announces
reductions to its 2020
capital programme and
reduced operating footprint
Calfrac Well Services is announcing reductions to its 2020 capital program
and North American operating footprint
as a result of the rapid and unforeseen deterioration in business conditions resulting from the COVID-19 global pandemic and the
NV5 GLOBAL, March 25, 2020
Air Products signs
agreements to acquire five
operating hydrogen plants
for $530mn and long-term
hydrogen supply to PBF
Air Products today announced it has signed agreements with PBF Energy that include the $530mn purchase of five hydrogen
Week 13 02•April•2020
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