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 project encompasses the construction of one liquefied natural gas plant, including six gas liquefaction trains and appurtenant facilities. Each train will have a liquefaction design capacity of approximately 1.4mn metric tonnes per annum (mtpa) for a total nominal liquefaction capacity of 8.4 mtpa.
Located on the west side of the Calcasieu Ship Channel, near the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico, the project will include six LNG storage tanks each with a capacity of 40,000 m3, one marine loading berth capable of loading LNG carriers up to a capacity of 216,000 m3, and a 3.04-mile long, 30-inch diameter pipeline that will connect the LNG Facility with existing intrastate and interstate pipelines for the purpose of supplying gas to the project.
Schedule of Environmental Review: Issuance of the draft EIS in May 2020; Issuance of Notice of Availability of the
final EIS October 2, 2020; 90-day Federal Authorisation Decision Deadline December 31, 2020.
“We are very pleased to receive
FERC’s Issuance of Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review. It confirms that our project remains on schedule to take FID in Q1 2021 and start commercial operations in Q1 2024,” said Paul Varello, Commonwealth LNG’s president and CEO. COMMONWEALTH LNG, October 21, 2019
FWS issues favourable
biological opinion for
Annova LNG project
The US Fish & Wildlife Service issued its final biological opinion for the Annova LNG project in Brownsville, Texas this week, saying, “It is the opinion of the Service that the proposed construction of the Annova LNG project will not likely jeopardise the continued existence of the ocelot or Gulf Coast jaguarundi.”
“Our mission is to be the most sustainable U.S. provider of liquefied natural gas, and this official opinion reflects our close consultation with the Service over the past several years
to protect and conserve habitat for these protected and other valued species in the Rio Grande Valley,” said Omar Khayum, CEO, Annova LNG.
Annova LNG has made several proactive voluntary conservation measures, including: Expanded its lease and modified its project layout to establish a 185-acre environmental conservation corridor, where existing dense thornscrub and other habitats, including over 100 acres of wetlands, would be preserved;
contributed funding to the perpetual conservation of over 1,000 acres of land, including approximately 390 acres of dense thornscrub in the South Texas Ocelot Coastal Corridor area in Cameron County that are inhabited by ocelots, and has committed
to an additional 250 acres of thornscrub habitat preservation; committed to provide funding for adaptive research, conservation, and recovery efforts of the Feline Research Program of the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute at Texas A&M University – Kingsville.
“We appreciate the Service’s dedication to habitat recovery and their guidance to Annova LNG during our project’s development,”
said Khayum. “Annova LNG’s habitat conservation measures are just one example
of our dedication to responsible, sustainable development in the Rio Grande Valley.” ANNOVA LNG, October 22, 2019
NextDecade announces
$50mn investment by
NextDecade and Mubadala Investment,
the Abu Dhabi-based sovereign investor, announced today that they have reached agreement for Mubadala to purchase $50mn of NextDecade’s common stock in a private placement. NextDecade will issue the common stock to Mubadala at a price of $6.27 per share.
Mubadala’s investment further strengthens NextDecade’s capital position as the company continues to develop its Rio Grande LNG project, the largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) export solution linking Permian Basin associated gas to the global LNG market.
“We are honoured to welcome Mubadala, a leading global investor, as a shareholder in
our company,” said Matt Schatzman, chairman and chief executive officer of NextDecade. “Mubadala brings a valuable perspective on large-scale infrastructure investment and the growing role of LNG in the Middle East and other markets around the world. We look forward to a strong and lasting partnership.”
Khalifa Al Romaithi, Mubadala’s executive director, midstream, said: “We are pleased
to make this investment in NextDecade. We strongly believe that the Rio Grande LNG project is optimally positioned to provide
a highly competitive export route for the abundant gas resources of the Permian Basin and a compelling commercial proposition for LNG customers, Permian producers
and NextDecade shareholders alike. Our investment also reflects Mubadala’s positive outlook on the global gas market and the growing role of gas in the energy transition.”
As part of its investment in NextDecade, Mubadala will receive one seat on NextDecade’s board of directors. Mubadala will also have the right to contribute a certain amount of project-level capital upon the final investment decision of NextDecade’s Rio Grande LNG project.
TechnipFMC awarded integrated EPCI (iEPCITM) contract for the Shell Perdido Phase 2 development
TechnipFMC has been awarded an integrated
          Week 43 29•October•2019
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