Page 10 - TURKRptSep20
P. 10

         Erdogan presenting an ornamental mirror to Angela Merkel. According to the Erdogan media, presenting a mirror to a woman means that "there is nothing more beautiful than you to give as a gift to you".
You may read in the mainstream media that Erdogan-led Turkey is creating more and more mischief in the eastern Mediterranean. This is becoming a perennial headline, but what does Erdogan actually do? Has he invaded Cyprus yet? Has he done anything much that is tangible besides issuing his volleys of menacing rhetoric?
But, when all is said and done, Erdogan is still a useful “​subcontractor​” with the second largest army in Nato. He’s not at all squeamish about his soldiers perishing, whether in Libya, Syria, Iraq or on other battlefronts, for it’s all for the greatness of the Turkish nation. It’s weak gruel—but that’s precisely why he’s so useful to some as an actor on the stage, a troublemaker who’ll drop into the picture on the flimsiest of pretexts.
We can say that the financial system is still under control, but the Turks are getting the jitters. August 7 saw queues in front of exchange offices and jewellery shops at Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar while rumours flared up that ​it was hard to find physical FX and gold countrywide​ despite jumps in spreads.
 10​ TURKEY Country Report​ September 2020 ​ ​

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