Page 30 - TURKRptFeb21
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   7.2 ​Central Bank policy rate
         7.3 ​Stock market
7.3.1 ​Equity​ market dynamics
        Turkey’s daily cryptocurrency transaction volume ​stood​ at more than $1bn since the beginning of 2021, up from the $500-600mn seen in recent months, BloombergHT reported on January 4.
  7.3.2 ​ Dividend dynamics
   Turkey’s largest telco Turk Telekom (TTKOM) will propose the distribution of Turkish lira (TRY) 601mn of additional gross cash dividends, equivalent to 25% of its 2019 profit, at its next general assembly meeting, the company ​said​ on January 25 in a stock exchange filing.
In March, Turk Telekom planned to distribute 50% of its 2019 profit but, in April, the Turkish parliament capped dividends at 25% of 2019 profits.
In July, the company distributed 25% of its 2019 profit.
The dividend cap expired at end-2020​ and companies have been distributing additional dividends from their 2019 profits (see table below for major dividend payers or Bizim Menkul’s ​note​ for a full list).
   30​ TURKEY Country Report​ February 2021 ​ ​

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