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and possibly pilot projects to de ne the best and most attractive technologies and methods of production.
Estancia La Mariposa and Lomita De La Costa: e company also holds 16.38% in the Estancia La Mariposa and Lomita De La Costa projects located in Argentina’s Santa Cruz prov- ince, covering an area of more than 27 square km. With current 1P gas reserves in Estancia la Mariposa, the eld has gas and condensate production from the Comodoro Rivadavia and Mina el Carmen Formations. In Lomita de la Costa eld, an early exploration well tested 3mn cubic feet (84,951 cubic metres) per day, showing the presence of gas, needing more evaluation and more drilling with su cient gas volume for an economic development of the eld.
TECPETROL is the operator and Alianza Petrolera has an ORR over the production. Pro- duced oil is sold at Tecpetrol’s El Tordillo facility, and gas production enters TGS pipeline. e exploitation contract expires May 2033.
CruzSur supports the work done by the oper- ator in this area and believes that gas and con- densate production could be increased at both elds with a new drilling programme. CruzSur is currently reviewing its options with its partners and seeks to implement a programme before the end of 2019.
CruzSur Energy, August 01 2019
Borr Drilling wins contract
award for premium jack-up
rig in Mexico
Reference is made to Borr Drilling’s previously disclosed information regarding its two con- tracts in Mexico with Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex), in what is referred to as Cluster 2, under an integrated services model. e rst rig, the Grid, has arrived on site and is currently commencing its contract, while the second rig, the Gersemi, is expected to commence shortly therea er.
e company is also pleased to announce that it has received an award from Pemex for an addi- tional contract, which is the third contract under Cluster 2 for the company. e new contract is expected to be based on the same economics and structure as the rst two contracts and secures the employment of a third modern jack-up drill- ing rig, with expected commencement in the
fourth quarter of 2019 for an anticipated dura- tion of around 18 months.
e newly awarded contract is the company’s fourth contract award in Mexico in less than nine months and is a result of the company’s strong focus on the region. e company has estab- lished a robust regional o ce and operations in the country and is optimistic about future opportunities arising from the continued strong demand seen in the region.
Borr Drilling, August 06 2019
Deep Down receives umbilical support order from Shell Trinidad and Tobago
Deep Down, an oil eld services rm specialising in complex deepwater and ultra-deepwater oil production distribution system support services announced today that it has received an order for umbilical support services directly from Shell Trinidad and Tobago.
e order is for the design, fabrication, pro- ject management and installation support for an umbilical repair/replacement package to restore communications to the Poinsettia Deep Well o - shore Trinidad and Tobago. O shore operations will likely occur in Q1-2020.
Ron Smith, chief executive o cer of Deep Down, stated: “ is award further highlights the success of our e orts to continue expanding our customer base internationally, especially in the provision of inspection, maintenance and repair solutions.”
Deep Down focuses on complex deepwater and ultra-deepwater oil and gas production dis- tribution system technologies and support ser- vices, connecting the platform and the wellhead. Deep Down’s proven services and technological solutions include distribution system installation support and engineering services, umbilical ter- minations, loose-tube steel ying leads, instal- lation buoyancy, remotely operated vehicles and tooling, marine vessel automation, control and ballast systems. Deep Down supports sub- sea engineering, installation, commissioning and maintenance projects through specialised, highly experienced service teams and engi- neered technological solutions.
Deep Down, August 06 2019
Seadrill Partners received
early termination notice for
the West Vencedor
Seadrill Partners LLC (“SDLP” or “the Com- pany”) has received an early termination notice for the West Vencedor contract o shore Cote d’Ivoire prior to its commencement which was expected in Q3-2019.
e unit had recently completed its work in Myanmar and will now stay in Southeast Asia to be marketed for additional opportunities.
Seadrill Partners is expected to receive a lump sum early termination payment in Q3-2019 of approximately the amount of adjusted EBITDA that would have been earned under the firm term of the contract and backlog will decrease by $20mn.
Seadrill Partners, August 02 2019
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Week 31 07•August•2019