Page 65 - RUSRptSept18
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8.1.3  Deposits
Customer funding (excluding deposits from state entities) increased by RUB421bn (0.8%) in July , net of foreign currency movements, which was a result of a RUB82bn (0.3%) inflow of corporate funding and RUB339bn (1.3%) inflow of retail deposits.
The largest inflows of corporate accounts were at Sberbank (RUB309bn, 4.9%),  Alfa (RUB39bn, 4.1%) and Rosbank (RUB27bn, 8.8%). There were considerable decreases at VBRR (RUB71bn, 17.8%), Unicredit (RUB41bn, 5.8%), ING Bank (RUB37bn, 34%, normal volatility for its business profile) and Avers (RUB21bn, 36%, not a concern, as these were backing certain loans that also got repaid). All four banks' liquidity remains comfortable, covering customer accounts by over 20%. Retail deposits grew more or less evenly across the sector, albeit with some outflows in B&N and Otkrytie (RUB20bn, 1.9% of combined retail deposits balance) and AB Rossiya (RUB24bn, 18.8%).
65  RUSSIA Country Report  September 2018

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