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 Eagle LNG awards small-scale contract
US-BASED Eagle LNG Partners has awarded an engineering, procurement, fabrication and con- struction (EPFC) contract for a small-scale LNG project that will target buyers in the Caribbean Sea region.
In a statement dated January 13, Eagle LNG Partners said that the contract had gone to NAS- DAQ-listed Matrix Service Inc., a subsidiary of Matrix Service Co. It put the value of the deal at $500mn and said that the contractor would be responsible for building an LNG export complex in Jacksonville, Florida.
The project will make use of Integrated Pre- cooled Single Mixed Refrigerant (IPSMR) pro- cess technology and liquefaction equipment from Chart Industries, it added. Chart Indus- tries is a provider of modular and standard gas liquefaction plants and associated process technologies.
When finished, the facility will include a gas liquefaction plant capable of turning out around 1mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG. It will also have storage facilities capable of holding large volumes of LNG and loading facilities capable of handling marine and truck shipments.
Eagle LNG Partners has said it intends to sell some of its production to buyers in Carib- bean states. In its statement, it explained that the
Jacksonville facility would export LNG to these markets by sea in ISO-compliant containers.
Jacksonville LNG will be able to deliver LNG at competitive prices since it is closer to Car- ibbean markets than other suppliers, it noted. Making this alternative fuel available will help these countries reduce their long-standing dependence on imported petroleum products for power generation, it added.
Dick Brown, the CEO of Eagle LNG Partners, said he was pleased to see the project moving forward. “Eagle LNG is experiencing a growing demand for LNG to serve small-scale export markets, while domestic demand for fuel-grade LNG continues to increase,” he said. “We con- tinue to build out LNG infrastructure across the country to meet these needs. Partnering with Matrix Service and Chart Industries provides service from concept through completion.”
The complex will also make some of its LNG production available as marine fuel. Together with Eagle LNG Partners’ other facilities in Maxville and Talleyrand, it will be able to offer the lowest-cost LNG bunkering services in the south-eastern US, the statement said.
The company has already begun shipping LNG to Caribbean buyers via the Maxville LNG and Talleyrand LNG facilities, it added.™
 Cenovus sets GHG reduction target for 2030
Cenovus is a major oil sands producer.
CANADA’S Cenovus Energy has set a target of reducing its per-barrel greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30% by the end of 2030. The com- pany said it would also spend an additional CAD1.5bn ($1.2bn) on businesses run by the country’s indigenous communities over the next 10 years.
The plans fall within what Cenovus has described as its “ambitious” environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy, which will focus on four areas – climate and GHG emissions, indigenous engagement, land and wildlife and water stewardship. Other targets for 2030 under this strategy include reclaiming 1,500 decom- missioned well sites and completing CAD40mn ($31mn) of caribou habitat restoration work.
“Our environmental practices, low-emis- sions oil sands operations and the relationships we’ve built with residents in areas where we operate – including indigenous communities – demonstrate our commitment to sustainability leadership,” Cenovus’ president and CEO, Alex Pourbaix, said in a statement. “The meaningful targets we’re announcing today build on our achievements to date and position us to thrive in the transition to a lower-carbon future. I’m
confident we have the right business model and talent in place to achieve them.”
Cenovus said in a January 9 statement that its long-term ambition was to reach net-zero emis- sions by 2050.
The company said it had worked with exter- nal ESG consultants to establish its ESG targets. The assessment that the consultants had helped to carry out indicated that several options were available to Cenovus in order to meet its 2030 targets, it noted. The producer is now carrying out further analysis of these options, and expects to provide an update later in 2020.
Cenovus is a major producer in Alberta’s oil sands, which have come under increasing pressure over their GHG intensity. Growing opposition to the oil sands and related projects is contributing to delays to planned pipelines out of the region. Against this backdrop, oil sands producers are taking steps to alleviate environ- mental concerns by demonstrating more robust environmental credentials.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also pledged that Canada would achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 during his re-election campaign last year.™
w w w. N E W S B A S E . c o m Week 02 15•January•2020

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