Page 2 - UKRRptMar19
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Table of contents
1.0 Executive summary
2.0 Politics
2.1 Ukraine changes constitution to make NATO, EU membership a goal 2.2 Tymoshenko loses her early lead in presidential polls
2.3 Ukraine’s presidential elections Q&A with Tim Ash
2.4 Poroshenko accused of “profiting on blood” in arms sales scandal 2.5 Minsk in hot water for coal exports to Ukraine
2.6 Politics - misc 2.7 Polls & Sociology
3.0 Macro Economy
3.1 Macroeconomic overview
4.0 Real Economy
4.1 Industrial production 4.2 Inflation
4.2.1 CPI dynamics 4.3 Fixed investment 4.4 Labour and income
4.4.1 Labour market, unemployment dynamics 4.4.2 Nominal wages dynamics
4.4.3 Retail sector dynamics
5.0 External Sector & Trade
Source: SP Advisors
5.1 External sector overview
5.2 Balance of payments, current account
5.2.1 Import/export dynamics
5.2.2 Gross international reserves 5.3 FDI
6.0 Public Sector
6.1 Budget
6.1.1 Budget dynamics - results 6.1.2 Budget dynamics - funding 6.1.3 Budget dynamics - privatization
6.2 Debt
7.0 FX
8.0 Financial & capital markets
8.1 Bank sector overview 8.1.1 NPLs
8.1.2 Bank news
8.2 Central Bank policy rate 8.3 Stock market
8.3.1 Equity market dynamics 8.5 Fixed income
2  UKRAINE Country Report  March 2019

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