Page 8 - LatAmOil 06182019 corrected PDF
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Scott also noted that Arrow had met
the requirements needed to earn a 50% working interest in Tapir via the drilling
and completion of the well. “RCE-1 was an earn-in commitment well with an accelerated payback provision, which means we’re able
to recover C$3 million of the cost of the well from 50% of our partner’s working interest barrels,” he commented. “Next steps include carrying out a pressure build-up test and putting the well on continuous production from the C7 sand.”
Bolivia outlines plans for gas exports
to Peruvian power plants, Shell Argentina
Delivery volumes will rise to 13 mcm per day, according to documents signed on June 17
REPRESENTATIVES of Bolivia’s Ministry of Hydrocarbons and state oil company YPFB met in Tarija on June 17 to sign several docu- ments outlining their plans to export natural gas to new customers in Argentina and Peru. e signing was witnessed by Bolivian President Evo Morales, who was also present at the meeting.
Some of the documents provided for YPFB to deliver 10 million cubic metres per day of gas to two privately owned electricity producers in southern Peru – namely, Kallpa Generacion SA and Angie Energie Peru, both of which operate 1,200-MW co-generation plants. ese facilities are currently burning diesel fuel, but they intend to begin using Bolivian gas once they nalise a deal with YPFB.
Another document called for the Bolivian company to send 3 mcm per day of gas to Shell Argentina, an a liate of Royal Dutch/Shell. is agreement is designed to support gasi cation initiatives in other parts of the Southern Cone,
according to press reports from La Paz.
Juan Bautista, a representative of Shell Argen- tina, commented at the signing that Bolivian gas deliveries would have a positive impact. Natural gas is an integral component of e orts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, as well as a fuel that
is useful in all sectors of the economy, he said. President Morales praised YPFB’s efforts, saying that the company’s negotiations with buyers in Peru and Argentina were in line with a wider campaign to expand gas exports while also ensuring adequate supplies to the domestic
Bolivia’s government is eager to strike deals
with new customers in South America and around the world, he added, but it must also continue to invest in new gas exploration pro- jects and in gasification projects that benefit various regions within the country. Focusing on these objectives will be bene cial to the national economy, he remarked.
w w w . N E W S B A S E . c o m
Week 24 19•June•2019