Page 42 - TURKRptJun20
P. 42

        “Crisis”. Now there’s a word that is fast losing any meaning for Turks. “Snafu” is a better appreciation of what they have endured for almost a decade, stumbling from one crisis to another, with the government always suggesting a bright future is right around the next corner.
The coronavirus crisis fairly crashed into Turkey, but it has not changed the Erdogan administration’s policy set and choices. Not yet certain is whether another global surprise is on the way to honour the startling, sorcerous year of 2020.
  8.0​ Financial & capital markets 8.1​ Bank sector overview
8.1.1​ Loans
        Turkey plans to inject new capital amounting to around Turkish lira 20bn ($2.8bn) into three state lenders—namely Ziraat Bank, Halkbank and Vakifbank—in the coming days, two banking sources ​told​ Reuters on May 8.
  42​ TURKEY Country Report​ June 2020 ​ ​

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