Page 45 - TURKRptJun20
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 8.3.2 ​ Dividend dynamics Annual
Gross Dividend per
Net Dividend per
Gross Dividend Yield
2010-2018 9 years
Erdemir Sisecam Soda
Turkcell Petkim
Ford Otosan BIM
Ford Otosan Tofas
TAV Enerjisa Arcelik Sabanci Koc Holding Erdemir
Anadolu Efes Coca Cola Anadolu Cam Sısecam Soda
Trakya Cam Turk Telekom Ulker
Kafein Petkim
872 462 1,250 304 2,021 - 1,250 - 1,683 - 1,250 - 1,959 - 1,482 - 2,368 - 1,034 -
925 - 3,780 - 4,391 - 3,317 - 1,225 - 1,022 -
966 -
527 - 1,905 - 1,109 -
750 - 2,407 - 905 - 1,225 - 17 -
813 422
28 - - 100 274 22 - 1,010 50 - 365 29 - 432 26 - 243 19 - 1,095 56 - 1,202 81 - 392 17 - 709 69 - 500 54 - 673 18 - 531 12
- 4,200 127 - 304 25 - 1,050 103 - 239 25 - 100 19 - 320 17 - 245 22 - 130 17 - 1,203 50 - 135 15 - 1,214 99 - 16
1.38 1.25 0.18 0.15 0.35 0.29 1.20 1.02 0.46 0.39 - -
- - 0.46 0.39 0.60 0.51 1.23 1.05 0.40 0.34 3.12 2.65 2.40 2.04 1.08 0.92 0.60 0.51 0.74 0.63 0.33 0.28 0.21 - 1.20 1.07 0.50 0.43 1.77 1.51 0.94 0.80 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.12 0.25 0.21 0.10 0.09 0.34 0.29 0.39 0.34 0.80 1.70 0.05 0.04
May-2019 18.1 9 31-May 3.3 9 31-May 4.7 -
12-Jun 3.0 9 18-Jun 3.6 4 19-Jun 28.0 5 24-Jul 100.0 9 31-Oct 3.6 4 18-Nov 3.0 9 21-Nov 1.9 9 11-Dec 1.7 9
Mar-2020 4.0 9 25-Mar 8.7 9 25-Mar 5.2 8
1-Apr 7.1
cancelled 3.9 8
1-Apr 3.6 9
6-Apr - 9 delayed 15.0 9 13-May 1.0 9
cancelled 9.8 8 28-May 2.5 9 29-May 5.3 6 29-May 3.6 9 29-May 5.2 - 29-May 4.1 8
1-Jun 5.1 6 30-Jun 2.0 8 cancelled 1.5 9
- 0.5 - - 0.0 5
Net Profit TRY
Total Bonus
Gross Dividend
Dividend Payout
45​ TURKEY Country Report​ June 2020
​ ​
heaving galleon grow distrustful of the digital numbers placed in their accounts.
Corona has done a fine job of making everyone forget the trade war, the oil war and so on and so forth, but it is also good to remember that only the first four months of ill-starred and downright spooky 2020 are over.
The future is just too unpredictable for the S&P 500 to be trading at 17 x 2021 earnings estimates, billionaire investor Carl Icahn—who is hoarding cash, shorting commercial real estate and preparing for the coronavirus to wreak more havoc—told Bloomberg on April 25.
TRY share TRY Ratio Share Share Payment
Last Paid
mn mn % mn %
5,598 4,830 86 2,326 400 17 1,556 345 22 1,250 -- 365 29 2,021 -- 1,010 50
TRY TRY Date %
20 - - 0.00 0.00

   43   44   45   46   47