Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 40 2019
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Potential buyers qualified for this phase will receive a descriptive memorandum with more detailed information about the aforementioned assets, as well as instructions on the divestment process, including guidelines for preparing and submitting non-binding proposals.
Regarding re neries Isaac Sabbá (REMAN) in Amazonas state, Lubri cantes e Derivados de Petróleo do Nordeste (LUBNOR) in Ceará state, and Unidade de Industrialização do Xisto (SIX) in Paraná state, the non-binding phase will be launched in the coming weeks and disclosed in due course.
 is market disclosure is in accordance with Petrobras’ Divestment Methodology and with the special regime for the divestment of assets by federal mixed-capital companies, provided for in Decree 9.188/2017.
Downstream divestments are aligned with the company’s portfolio optimisation and capi- tal allocation improvement, aiming to maximise value for our shareholders.
REGAP, located in the city of Betim, Minas Gerais state, has a processing capacity of 166,000 barrels per day (7% of Brazil’s total oil down- stream capacity) and its assets include a pipeline set of over 720 km.
Petrobras, October 04 2019
Maersk Supply Service
awarded integrated
solutions project in Brazil
Maersk Supply Service will provide an integrated mooring lines life extension solution for Shell’s FPSO Fluminense, including project manage- ment, engineering, interface management and o shore execution o  the coast of Rio de Janeiro.
“ is is an important milestone for Maersk Supply Service both locally in Brazil, and glob- ally as we continue to grow our integrated solu- tions business. From the start of the engineering
phase, we have set up a centralised project team together with our customer to ensure seamless alignment,” says Head of Integrated Solutions, Olivier Trouve.
With the o shore phase expected to com- mence in December, the project includes head- ing control of the FPSO, replacement of mooring lines, as well as installation and hook up of the new mooring components.
Maersk Achiever, along with one to two Maersk L-class anchor handling tug supply ves- sels, will mobilise to Brazil following the com- pletion of another mooring lines replacement project o shore West Africa.
“We look forward to demonstrating how our ability to plan and execute the full range of scopes required for FPSO moorings maintenance, sup- plying all vessels from our large in-house  eet, can help reduce risk and optimise operations for our customers,” continues Olivier Trouve.
“ rough our 40-year’s history in Brazil and ambitious focus on local content, Maersk Sup- ply Service is determined to continue to play a signi cant role in the country. We believe our integrated solutions business, including our towing and mooring capabilities, o er fantastic opportunitiesforgrowthinthenearfuture,”says Managing Director for Maersk Supply Service in Latin America Rafael  ome.
Maersk Supply Services, October 09 2019
Maersk Supply Service
brings second I-class
vessel to Mexico
Maersk Supply Service has secured a 1.5-year contract with Blue Marine Group to support Pemex from subsea support vessel Maersk Installer. Joining Maersk Implementer, the vessels will assist the national oil company in achieving its targets of increasing production and carrying out safe operations.
Delivered in November 2017 and May 2018 respectively, Maersk Installer and Maersk Imple- menter are some of the most modern vessels in their category.  ey will operate in the Bay of Campeche, performing general support duties, well stimulation as well as inspection, mainte- nance and repair for Pemex’s platforms.
“ e arrival of Maersk Installer is a signi - cant stepping stone for Maersk Supply Service in Mexico.  ese two highly capable vessels allow us to expand our ambitions in the integrated solutions  eld locally, whether it is o ering our customers well stimulation, subsea construction or FPSO installation or decommissioning,” says Managing Director for Maersk Supply Service in Mexico Raymundo Piñones de la Cabada.
“We look forward to increasing our local
footprint and contributing to o shore services in the region. We intend to positively impact the community and prepare for long term opera- tions here in Mexico. As part of this vision, we ensure our local seafarers are trained in operat- ing these advanced vessels and safety manage- ment systems. Our ambition is to bring in more vessels of di erent types to support a growing demand for modern and highly specialised oper- ations,” he continued.
Maersk Installer arrived in Mexico on Sep- tember 23 and began its contract a er complet- ing all necessary inspections from Blue Marine and Pemex.
Maersk Supply Services, October 07 2019
Weatherford signs largest-
ever contract for deep-set
safety valves
Weatherford International has announced its largest-ever contract for deep-set safety valves. Under terms of a deal with Brazilian-based mul- tinational corporation Petróleo Brasileiro, more commonly known as Petrobras, Weatherford will deliver 24 OptimaxTM deep-set safety valves in the next four years.
Weatherford, an industry leader in traditional safety valve technology, is now extending its leg- acy reliability to the deepwater and ultra-deep- water market.  e Optimax deep-set safety valve protects against catastrophic loss of well control by providing fail-safe closures at pressure up to 10,000 psi (68 MPa) and are rated for setting depths as deep as 12,000 feet (3,658 metres).  e valves are monogrammed to API-14A’s highest validation grade of V1.
 e Weatherford Optimax deep-set safety valve is a victory in innovative thinking,” said Mark Hopmann, President of Completions for Weatherford. Hopmann added, “Conven- tional deep-set valves typically require nitro- gen-charged chambers to compensate for the high hydrostatic pressure of the control line.  e Optimax deep-set safety valve overcomes this challenge with a design that utilises highly relia- ble,  eld-proven technology.”
An integral part of the completion string, the Optimax deep-set safety valve is controlled by a primary hydraulic control line. Application of control-line pressure keeps the valve in the open position.
When pressure is bled o , the valve closes to protect property, personnel, and the environ- ment. A secondary upward-facing piston, plus heavy-duty power springs, enable fail-safe clo- sure while keeping the hold-open pressure to a minimum.
Weatherford International, October 01 2019
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Week 40 10•October•2019

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