Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 28
P. 13

William N Cantrell to retire as chief executive officer of Southern Gas Association; Suzanne Ogle named as successor
 e Southern Gas Association (SGA) announced today that William N Cantrell will retire as chief executive o cer and that the board of directors has named Suzanne Ogle to succeed him in the role.
Mr Cantrell will step down as chief executive o cer on August 31, 2019. Mr Cantrell has been chief executive o cer since January 2017 and has a long history with
the SGA, previously serving as chairman of the board of directors in 2009. Subsequent
to his retirement, Mr Cantrell will continue to support the SGA in a contract role of liaison for two very important groups, the Gas Machinery Research Council and the Associate Members. He will also continue as an instructor for the Natural Gas Champion programme, a initiative developed during his tenure.
“ e board of directors and I are grateful for Bill’s leadership and dedication to the SGA mission,” said Adrian Chapman, chairman of the SGA board of directors. “Bill has been a tireless champion for the natural gas industry, both during his time as a member and with the association itself, including his service as
chairman of our board. He leaves a lasting legacy for us to build on, especially with his work building up the Natural Gas Champions programme, which helps educate the public about the many bene ts of natural gas.”
“I’d like to thank the board for the opportunity to lead the association,” said Cantrell. ”When I moved from the electric side of our industry to the gas side back
in 1997, the very  rst industry meeting
I attended was an SGA conference.  e association has played an important role throughout my career adding value for each company I’ve represented.  e SGA has demonstrated great resiliency and strength over its 111 year history.”
I Squared Capital invests in low cost, innovative American-produced LNG developer Venture Global LNG
I Squared Capital, through its ISQ Global Infrastructure Fund II, has invested $460mn in convertible equity securities in Venture Global LNG, as part of an $675mn equity capital raise announced by Venture Global LNG on 27 June 2019, to contribute to the development of the company’s cost-e cient
LNG export facilities on the Gulf Coast of the US.
“We are excited to support Venture
Global LNG and its exceptional management team for years to come as they become a global leader in LNG production, leveraging both their highly cost-e cient liquefaction technology and a ordable U.S. shale gas,”
said Gautam Bhandari, Managing Partner at
I Squared Capital. “Our investment gives us exposure to Venture Global’s entire pipeline of highly innovative projects, which will transform how LNG liquefaction facilities will be built in the future.”
Venture Global LNG co-CEOs Bob Pender and Mike Sabel jointly stated: “We are delighted to partner with I Squared Capital,
a leading global infrastructure investor, as
we build over 60 mtpa of LNG production capacity in Louisiana.  is investment will support the development of our pipeline of opportunities along the Gulf Coast.”
I Squared Capital’s investment will be
used for the further development of Venture Global LNG’s current projects, all of which will employ a comprehensive process solution from Baker Hughes, a GE company that utilizes highly e cient mid-scale, modular, factory-fabricated liquefaction trains.
UBS Securities served as  nancial advisor and Sidley Austin LLP served as legal counsel for I Squared Capital on this transaction.
I SQUARED CAPITAL, July 11, 2019
Week 28 18•July•2019
w w w . N E W S B A S E . c o m

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