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NorthAmOil COMMENTARY NorthAmOil
 Suncor, Microsoft partner in first for oil sands
Suncor Energy has partnered with Microsoft in a deal focused on digital transformation that has been described as a first for the oil sands industry
Suncor and Microsoft have formed a partnership in Canada’s oil sands.
Suncor is looking to digitalisation to transform its operations and boost cash flow.
Oil sands producers will continue to seek ways to improve their operations and public image.
CALGARY-BASED Suncor Energy announced this week that it had formed a multi-year part- nership with Microsoft Canada in a bid to accel- erate its digital transformation. Under the deal, Microsoft will be Suncor’s strategic provider of cloud services. The move, focused on harness- ing the power of cloud computing, big data and machine learning, has been described as the first of its kind for the oil sands industry.
Indeed, the oil sands is a region that has strug- gled with its image in recent years as producers – also under pressure from low oil prices – tried to find innovative technologies to reduce their carbon footprint. However, the industry has been comparatively slow to adopt new technol- ogies such as machine learning, whose presence is becoming increasingly widespread across the whole oil and gas sector.
Suncor and Microsoft have agreed to work together on a number of projects over the com- ing years under their newly announced deal. These projects will be aimed at transforming Suncor’s retail fuel network of Petro-Canada stations, tracking data collected at its oil sands
operations and changing how people work at its headquarters.
The deal includes agreements covering Microsoft’s Azure service, Dynamics 365 enter- prise computing and Office 365 software suite.
“This is an example of how we are driving to improve our business in ways that were not pos- sible before – to make our people safer, increase reliability and productivity, reduce costs and improve sustainability,” Suncor’s president and CEO, Mark Little, said in a November 12 statement.
“Althoughweareanindustryleaderinmany respects, we still have much to learn in the dig- ital space, which is why we’re working with a number of organisations including Microsoft to challenge us,” Little added. “Similar to how we partner with and learn from innovators across our physical value chain, we’re choosing to part- ner with the experts in digital innovation.”
Microsoft’s director of enterprise for West- ern Canada, Sarah Kennedy, told the Financial Post that the partnership was a first in terms of its scale in the oil sands as Suncor seeks to make
w w w . N E W S B A S E . c o m Week 45 13•November•2019

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