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of Russian design at a new site in India  , the corporation said in a statement on Friday. On the sidelines of the 19th India-Russia Annual Bilateral Summit in New Delhi, the two countries signed a document for cooperation in implementation of new nuclear power projects, Rosatom said on October 5. According to the document, for the new nuclear project in India Russia will offer the reference evolutionary VVER generation "3+" technical solutions and will increase the level of Indian industry’s involvement and localization.
Russia has started exporting locally-produced solar panels  , First Deputy Energy Minister Alexey Texler said on the sidelines of the Russian Energy Week on October 5, adding that first batches have already been supplied to Europe. "Export supplies have been started already, particularly from the Novocheboksarsk plant to Europe," he said. Russia is currently implementing a program in support of renewable energy planned until 2024. Texler said earlier that the extension of the program would also help power engineering companies, particularly to launch equipment exports to international markets.
In 2025 the share of renewable energy sources in Russia's energy mix will amount to 1% or 11.3bn kWh  , lagging far behind the official government's target 4.5%,  Vedomosti d  aily said on October 12 citing the presentation of Vygon Consulting. The government's plan it to get 4.5% of all generation from renewable sources by 2024, which would require additional 25GW of renewable generation capacity. However, the  state support programme for the sector plans  only 5.5GW of solar and wind stations and 445MW of waste-to-energy stations. Vygor Consulting reportedly estimates that at least 20GW of new generation capacity should be introduced after 2024 to reach at least 4% of renewable energy by 2035. The investment in such scenario is estimated at RUB1.37 trillion, but carrying GDP gains of RUB1.54 trillion.
9.1.12   Transport sector news
Transneft has closed the deal to purchase 25% in Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) for USD 750mn from group Summa  , Kommersant reports. Therefore, Transneft’s share in NCSP increases to 60.62%. The request to purchase Summa’s stake in NCSP was approved by the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service at the end of February. At the end of September, NCSP’s shareholders approved RUB 10bn in dividends for 1H18, but the payment thereof has been blocked due to the arrest of the Magomedov brothers’ assets. After the execution of the deal, NCSP becomes eligible to pay dividends.
The cost of the first nuclear icebreaker ship Leader will be at maximum RUB98.6bn ($15bn),   not accounting for possible contingencies,  Kommersant daily reported, citing a report by the Russian atomic energy agency Rosatom. The Northern Sea Route, one of  Russia's priority transportation infrastructure projects , depends on icebreakers clearing a pathway through Arctic ice around the top of Russia. Leader is expected to be the first vessel of its kind able to crush ice over 4mn thick and leave a 50-meter-wide cleared path behind it. Previously  spending on the Northern Sea Route was limited at RUB40.6bn ($600mn) for 2019-2021 . Notably, the contract for Leader was  awarded to the iconic Zvezda shipyard in Russia's Far East region , operated by the oil major Rosneft , its holding company Rosneftegaz, and Gazprombank. Rosneft and Rosneftegaz are controlled by influential Kremlin insider Igor Sechin, who has
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