Page 13 - RusRPTNov19
P. 13

2.6    Russian state raises $2bn from crab fishing license
Russia’s crab fishing business has been revitalised by a restructuring of the industry  that has opened the business up to competition and investments. But not everyone is happy with the changes, which favour big companies.
Russian’s are big fish eaters with smoked salmon (known simply in Russian as “red fish”) a regular on every Russian dinner table. But amongst the most exalted delicacies is Russia’s “other caviar,” the giant Kamchatka crabs.
Russian authorities have introduced new auctions for crab fishing quotas and raised RUB99.5bn ($1.5bn) from the auctions in the North basin and RUB42.8bn from the Far East basin,  Vedomosti  and  Kommersant  dailies reported on October 17 citing the reports from the auctions.
As reported by  bne IntelliNews , earlier this year   Russia moved to auction off 50% of crab fishing quotas  for a period of 15 years instead of assigning the quotas to market players in proportion to the catch as in previous years. The respective  law was signed by the President Vladimir Putin on May 1 2019 .
In the meantime, previous reports claimed that  Russian Industrial Fish Company (RRPK) of Gleb Frank , the son-in-law of   stoligarch  and Kremlin insider Gennady Timchenko, is behind the market redistribution initiative.
RRPK and its subsidiaries indeed won 10 out 25 quotas in the Far East for a total of RUB38bn, in addition to RUB10bn it spent on fishing quotas previously. Other 15 Far East quotas went to 10 companies.
Some of those include Voshod group affiliated with Nikita Kozhemyako, the son of the governor of the Primorsk region, and Ostrovnoy Crab partially controlled by Sberbank and state technology agency Rostec.
The Antey Group and the Nort-West Fishing Consortiul (SZRK) won most of the quotas in the North basin, for RUB24.6bn and RUB18.2bn, respectively.
13  RUSSIA Country Report  November 2019    www.intellinews.o

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