Page 14 - RusRPTDec19
P. 14

           2.9 ​Putin & government’s popularity
       Russian president Vladimir Putin remains Russia’s most trusted politician but that faith is slipping slowly and was down to 39% in November.
Trust in Putin maybe sliding but his personal approval rate remains strong rising to 70% in October before dropping back a little in November to 68% with another 31% disapproving and 1% undecided.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev remains deeply unpopular with his approval rating falling down to 37% in November from 39% in October. Fully 62% of Russians disapproved of the prime minister in November with only 2% of the respondents undecided.
The Government Medvedev heads also remains unpopular with an approval rating of only 44% in November while the Duma has a similar poor approval rating of 40%.
The governors, however, remain extremely popular with approval ratings of 65% in both October and November, only slightly less than Putin himself.
Overall Russian respondents remain ambivalent over where the country is headed with 48% saying its is going in the right direction and 42% saying it is
 14​ RUSSIA Country Report​ December 2019 ​ ​

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