Page 2 - TURKRptMar20
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 Table of contents
Country Report March 2020 Table of contents
1.0 Executive summary
2.0 Politics
2.1 “I’m unemployed, I’m hungry, my children are hungry”
2.2 Assad captures M5 highway in Idlib
2.3 Turkey closes border with Iran after coronavirus spreads in neighbouring country
2.4 Erdogan says “Turkey’s Libya and Syria policies neither adventurous nor discretionary”
2.5 Turkey sees second-hand cars boom as millions hedge against inflation and falling value of savings 2.6 Banks ‘hire Ernst & Young to analyse forming asset management company for billions in bad debt’ 2.7 A draft law to expand the state credit guarantee fund
2.8 Coup for who?
2.11 Business and consumer confidence surveys
2.12 Politics - shorts
2.13 Polls and sociology
3.0 Macro Economy
4.0 Real Economy
4.1 Industrial production 4.2 Inflation
4.2.1 CPI dynamics
4.2.2 PPI dynamics
4.3 Industrial sectors and trade
4.3.1 PMI Production dynamics
4.3.2 Corporate profits dynamics 4.4 Labour and income
4.4.1 Labour market, unemployment dynamics 4.4.2 Income dynamics
4.4.3 Retail sector dynamics
5.0 External Sector & Trade
5.1 External sector overview
5.2 Balance of payments, current account
5.2.1 Import/export dynamics 5.2.2 Current account dynamics 5.2.3 Gross intl reserves
5.3 FDI
5.4 External Debt
6.0 Public Sector
6.1 Budget
6.1.1 Budget dynamics - specific issues 6.1.2 Budget dynamics - tax issues 6.1.3 Budget dynamics - privatization
6.2 Debt
2​ TURKEY Country Report​ March 2020
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