Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 12 2020
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The project includes infrastructure for the sup- ply of natural gas and LNG to generate elec- tricity, in addition to meeting the demands of industries, commerce, LNG stations and house- holds, Golar said in a March 16 statement.
The company is planning to partner with local gas distribution company Companhia Pernambucana de Gás Natural (Copergás) to bring gas to parts of Pernambuco that are not yet served by pipeline networks. The gas will be delivered by road, using LNG ISO-containers that will be supplied with LNG from an existing carrier that would be permanently docked at the Port of Suape.
The trucks will distribute LNG to cities within a radius of up to 1,000 km. Initial trucked volumes are estimated at 800 cubic metres per day of LNG – equivalent to around 480,000 cubic metres per day of gas.
The project would use existing port infra- structure owned by the state government, and
operations are scheduled to start in the second half of 2020. Golar noted that final development of the project remained contingent on regula- tory approvals and the conclusion of commer- cial agreements. The company intends to fund the capital expenditure requirements for the project from its internal resources and operat- ing cash flow.
Separately, Golar announced a day later that it had successfully completed the final opera- tional test at the 1.5-GW Sergipe thermal power plant (TPP), which is fuelled by LNG from the Golar Nanook floating storage and regasifica- tion unit (FSRU) off the coast of Sergipe State.
The test involved supplying the maximum load of 1.5 GW for the TPP to the National Interconnected System (SIN) for a period of 96 continuous hours.
The test is the National System Operator’s (ONS) final requirement before commercial operations can begin at the plant.
YPF to suspend non-critical activities on coronavirus crisis
ARGENTINA’S national oil company (NOC) YPF has said it will gradually suspend activities that are not critical to its business, as it takes emergency measures in response to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The state-owned firm said that it would reduce staff to a minimum at essential opera- tional sites in order to ensure oil and gas sup- plies amid the outbreak. “We will ensure those activities that cannot be interrupted so that they are attended with the least amount possible [of personnel] and we will progressively interrupt
all those that are not critical so that they remain in a safe condition,” the company said in a press statement.
The NOC also said it had put new schemes in place to minimise the number of guards and rotating shifts and to implement preventive protocols in an effort “to reduce the chances of contagion.” It added: “From the very first day, we have been following the evolution of the pandemic in the country and we are making all the decisions necessary so that our workers can carry out their functions safely.”
YPF is scaling back operations at its operational sites (Photo: Petrplan)
Week 12 26•March•2020 w w w . N E W S B A S E . c o m