Page 2 - RUSRptApr17
P. 2
Table of contents
1.0 Executive summary
2.0 Politics
2.1 Russia, US take non-confrontational stance on Syria
2.2 Watcom shopping index stabalising
2.3 Putin & government’s popularity
2.3 Russia still near bottom of Transparency Intl corruption ranking 2.4 Navalny strikes chord with anti-corruption protests
2.5 Politics - misc 2.6 Polls & Sociology
3.0 Macro Economy
3.1 Macroeconomic overview 3.2 Macro outlook
4.0 Real Economy
4.1 Industrial production 4.2 Inflation
4.2.1 CPI dynamics
4.3 Industrial sectors and trade
4.3.1 Producers PMI 4.4 Fixed investment
4.5 Labour and income
4.5.1 Labour market, unemployment dynamics 4.5.2 Income dynamics
4.5.3 Retail sector dynamics
4.5.4 bne Despair index
5.0 External Sector & Trade
5.1 Balance of payments, current account 5.1.1 Current account dynamics
5.1.2 Capital flight dynamics
5.1.3 Gross international reserves
5.2 FDI
6.0 Public Sector
6.1 Budget
6.1.2 Budget dynamics - tax issues
6.1.3 Budget dynamics - funding, privatization 6.1.3 Budget dynamics - the 20/20 tax maneuver
6.2 Debt
6.2.1 Local debt market dynamic
6.3 Budget outlook
7.0 FX
2 RUSSIA Country Report April 2017