Page 2 - IRANRptNov18
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Table of contents
1.0 Executive summary
2.0 Politics
2.1 Iran’s Zarif attacks “law-breaking country” US after meeting with Turkish, Azerbaijani counterparts 2.2 EU office in Tehran ‘might become reality if Europe helps Iran battle US sanctions’
2.3 Iranian journalist detained after report showing new labour minister link to corruption probe
2.4 Iran charges five wildlife activists with national security crimes punishable by death
2.5 Noisy protests as Iranian MPs vote through bill against funding of terrorism 2.6 Polls & Sociology
3.0 Macro Economy
3.1 Macroeconomic overview 3.2 Macro outlook
4.0 Real Economy
4.1 Industrial production 4.2 Inflation
4.2.1 CPI dynamics
4.2.2 PPI dynamics 4.3 Labour and income
4.3.1 Labour market, unemployment dynamics
5.0 External Sector & Trade
5.1 Balance of payments and current account 5.1.1 current account dynamics
5.1.2 Import/export dynamics
5.1.3 Gross international reserves
5.2 FTAs 5.3 FDI
6.0 Public Sector
6.1 Budget
6.1.1 Budget dynamics - tax issues
6.1.2 Budget dynamics - funding, privatisation
6.2 Debt
7.0 FX
7.1 Forex rate platform
8.0 Financial & capital markets
8.1 Bank sector overview 8.1.1 Liquidity
8.1.2 Foreign assets 8.1.3 Loans
8.1.4 Deposits
8.1.5 NPLs
8.1.6 Banks specific issues 8.1.7 Bank news
2 IRAN Country Report November 2018