Page 2 - TURKRptDec20
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     Table of contents
1.0 Executive summary
2.0 Politics
2.1 Winter has come and Erdogan turned sharply...
2.2 Corona in the palace...
2.3 Markets...
2.4 Erdogan’s readying for “charm offensive” and will “become whatever Biden wants him to be” 2.5 Lira’s destiny...
2.6 Political turmoil in the Erdogan regime... 2.7 Politics - shorts
2.8 Polls and sociology
3.0 Macro Economy
4.0 Real Economy
4.1 Industrial production
4.2 Inflation
4.3 Industrial sectors and trade
4.3.1 PMI Production dynamics
4.3.2 Corporate profits dynamics
4.4 Fixed investment
4.5 Labour, income and retail industry dynamics
5.0 External Sector & Trade
5.1 Balance of payments, current account 5.1.1 Import/export dynamics
5.1.2 Current account dynamics
5.1.3 Capital flight dynamics
5.1.4 Gross intl reserves 5.2 FDI
5.3 External Debt
6.0 Public Sector
7.0 Financial & capital markets 7.1 Bank sector overview
7.1.1 Earnings 7.1.2 Loans
7.1.3 Deposits 7.1.4 NPLs
7.1.5 Banks news
7.2 Central Bank policy rate 7.3 Stock market
7.4 International ratings
7.5 Fixed income
8.0 Industry & Sectors
8.1 Sector news
8.1.1 Oil & gas sector news 8.1.2 Automotive sector news
2​ TURKEY Country Report​ December 2020
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