Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 44 2019
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Petrobras discloses teaser in Sergipe-Alagoas Basin
Petrobras reports that it has started the opportu- nity disclosure stage (teaser) regarding the sale of its interest in 15 onshore exploratory blocks, located in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin.
The teaser, which contains key information about the opportunity, as well as the eligibility criteria for selection of potential participants, is available on Petrobras’ website. The main subse- quent stages of the project will be reported to the market in due course.
This disclosure complies with Petrobras’ divestment guidelines and is aligned with the provisions of the special procedure for the sale of the rights to exploration, development and pro- duction of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydro- carbons provided for in Decree 9,355/2018.
This operation is in line with the company’s portfolio optimisation and improvement of cap- ital allocation, aiming at creating value for our shareholders.
Among the 15 exploratory blocks, eight are exclusive to Petrobras and include the following concessions: SEAL-T-61_R11, SEAL-T-112_ R12, SEAL-T-165_R12, SEAL-T-177_R12, SEAL-T-359_R12, SEAL-T-372_R12, SEAL-T-383_R12 e SEAL-T-384_R12. The SEAL-T-61_R11 Concession, resulting from ANP’s 11th Bidding Round, was signed in 2013. The SEAL-T-112, SEAL-T-165, SEAL-T-177, SEAL-T-359, SEAL-T-372, SEAL-T-383 and SEAL-T-384 concessions, from the ANP’s 12th Bidding Round, were signed in 2014.
In the remaining seven blocks, Petrobras and Nova Petróleo are partners in the SEAL-T-279_ R12, SEAL-T-280_R12, SEAL-T-291_R12, SEAL-T-292_R12, SEAL-T-345, SEAL-T-346_ R12 and SEAL-T-360_R12 concessions, each holding a 50% interest, had been acquired in the ANP’s 12th Bidding Round, in 2014. In this case, after the submission of bids, Nova Petróleo may exercise the preemptive right to acquire Petro- bras interests.
Offers must be made by block.
Petrobras, November 01 2019
Petrobras clarifies on agreement for gas market
Petrobras clarifies that it has been fully comply- ing with the schedule of commitments made in the agreement signed with the Administrative Council for Economic Defence (CADE) on July
8, 2019.
It is worth mentioning the pre-established
commitments in the agreement and that have been fulfilled by Petrobras: removal of transport exclusivity - fulfilled in July 2019; external agent qualification to monitor the agreement - fulfilled in August 2019; and indication of volumes to free up transportation capacity to third parties - ful- filled in September 2019.
Regarding the Public Call to offer gas trans- portation capacity in the Bolivia-Brazil gas pipe- line (Gasbol), which was suspended on October 31 by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), Petrobras clarifies that it has fulfilled its commitments on natural gas purchase and sale with customers and suppli- ers, as well as its own consumption of its assets, seeking to ensure the reliability of gas deliveries to the market. It is important to highlight that the Public Call regulation establishes the possi- bility of apportioning the volumes requested by agents in case of unavailable capacity to meet all demands stated.
Petrobras reaffirms the purpose of the agree- ment to preserve and protect competitive con- ditions, aiming at the opening of the Brazilian natural gas market, encouraging new agents to enter in this market.
Petrobras, November 05 2019
Seabed Geosolutions
completes largest OBN
project in Brazil
Seabed Geosolutions, a joint venture between Fugro and CGG, has just completed the world’s largest deepwater proprietary 3D ocean bottom node (OBN) survey in the Santos Basin, offshore Brazil.
The survey, started in late 2018, covered the Buzios field, lying in around 2000 m water depth. Utilising Seabed Geosolutions’ highly efficient Manta® ocean bottom node system and asso- ciated proprietary ROV deployment systems, the project successfully operated in a congested deepwater area and delivered significant node deployment efficiency gains. This is the fourth OBN survey completed by Seabed Geosolutions in Brazil.
“In close co-operation with Petrobras, we have completed the industry’s largest ever OBN survey, spanning more than 1,600 square km, in this giant pre-salt field in the Santos Basin using our new Manta OBN technology,” said Stephan Midenet, CEO of Seabed Geosolutions. “This milestone is a testament to Seabed Geosolu- tions’ technology and expertise, and reinforces
our position in Brazil, one of the world’s largest OBN markets. The data quality and efficiency gains that we delivered also validate our Manta OBN solution, which we believe is becoming a game changer in deepwater environments.”
Petrobras commented: “In view of this acqui- sition being the largest deepwater node survey ever performed, with a complex and evolving operating area having many production struc- tures and FPSOs, Seabed Geosolutions’ effort and experience in successfully completing this job is second to none. Furthermore, the prelimi- nary processing results indicate the quality of the data acquired is superb and will finally deliver structural insight to better characterise the Buz- ios field.”
Seabed Geosolutions, November 06 2019
Petrobras adds managed
hosting services from
Emerson to boost efficiency
of deepwater operations
Emerson announced today it has signed a multi-year, multi-million dollar agreement with Petróleo Brasileiro (Petrobras), the Brazilian integrated energy company,
for managed hosting services to support Petrobras’ deepwater operations. These services streamline deployment of Emerson’s leading exploration and development software by providing high-performance, remote desktop data management capabilities for both office and field locations, freeing Petrobras IT staff to focus on improving business processes and services.
“We’ve valued our long and positive relation- ship with Petrobras, helping to optimise explo- ration and subsurface modeling activities,” said Somesh Singh, chief product officer for explo- ration and production software at Emerson Automation Solutions. “Deepwater operations involve unmatched complexity, and our goal is to implement Emerson solutions to streamline workflows, simplify the delivery and manage- ment of the oil and gas software environment while boosting productivity.”
Under the terms of this agreement, Emerson will provide dedicated servers and associated hardware infrastructure to Petrobras and man- age those systems on its behalf. All access for data management, configuration and optimisation is done remotely according to the needs of the customer.
Petrobras has been using Emerson’s explora- tion and production software for over 25 years, including solutions for interpretation and mod- eling, reservoir characterisation, formation eval- uation and seismic processing.
           Week 44 07•November•2019
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