Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 42 2019
P. 11

SBM Offshore completes
$1.14bn financing of Liza
Unity FPSO
SBM Offshore is pleased to announce that it completed the project  nancing of FPSO Liza Unity for a total of $1.14bn.
 e project  nancing was secured by a con- sortium of nine international banks.  e com- pany expects to draw the loan in full, phased over the construction period of the FPSO.  e  nanc- ing will become non-recourse once the FPSO is completed and the pre-completion guarantees have been released.
 e project loan has a tenor of two years post completion, in line with the duration of the char- ter, and carries a variable interest cost of LIBOR plus 1.50%.
 e Liza Unity FPSO design is based on SBM Offshore’s industry leading Fast4Ward® pro- gramme as it incorporates the company’s new build, multi-purpose hull combined with several standardised topsides modules.  e FPSO will be designed to produce 220,000 barrels per day of oil, will have associated gas treatment capac- ity of 400mn cubic feet (11.3mn cubic metres) per day and water injection capacity of 250,000 barrels per day.  e FPSO will be spread moored in water depth of about 1,600 metres and will be able to store around 2mn barrels of crude oil.
 e Liza  eld is located circa 200 km o shore Guyana in the Stabroek block. ExxonMobil a liate Esso Exploration and Production Guy- ana is operator and holds 45% interest in the Stabroek Block. Hess Guyana Exploration holds 30% interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNOOC Ltd, holds 25% interest.
SBM Offshore, October 16 2019
Tractebel:LNGexpansionin Dominican Republic
 anks to a previous successful collaboration, AES has awarded Tractebel the  rst phase of the Owner’s Engineering to expand their existing LNG Terminal in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
From 2015 to 2017, AES and Tractebel suc- cessfully collaborated on the Costa Norte LNG Terminal in Panama. Now, in the wake of that
success, AES has appointed Tractebel for the  rst phase of the Owner’s Engineering to expand their existing LNG Terminal in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
 e project consists of an additional LNG storage tank, additional vaporisation facilities and addition of two truck loading bays. The AES approach is to drive multiple competitive FEEDs (Front End Engineering Designs) aiming at selecting the most suitable one. Based on these studies, each EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) bidder will make their EPC o er.
Tractebel’s role is to support AES Andres DR during this phase of the project and until selec- tion of the EPC Contractor.
 is new contract demonstrates once more the con dence AES has in Tractebel and its trust in Tractebel’s expertise and reactivity.  e suc- cess of this phase is particularly important for Tractebel, as we aim to be awarded the next phase (Owner’s Engineering during EPC execution). Tractebel, October 22 2019
available to Central America
with commercial operation
of Panama’s first LNG hub
 e AES Corporation today announced the start of operations of the  rst LNG hub in Panama and Central America, located at the AES Colón plant. AES Colón consists of the 180,000-cubic
metre LNG tank and a 381 MW combined cycle power plant, which reached commercial opera- tions in 2018 and had been previously operating with gas from temporary sources.
The commercial operation of the LNG storage facility will allow for the use of LNG throughout the region and establish Panama as the natural gas hub for the Central American region.
The use of LNG helps both reduce CO2 emissions and increase renewable energy pen- etration. Furthermore, LNG conversion lowers electricity costs and provides greater price sta- bility to support economic growth.
“ e inauguration of the AES Colón storage facility is a signi cant milestone toward trans- forming the Central American energy sector, and enabling a safer and more sustainable energy future,” said Andrés Gluski, AES President and Chief Executive O cer. “Since AES introduced natural gas in the Dominican Republic 19 years ago, it saved consumers more than half a billion dollars a year and [prevented] approximately 4mn tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.”
AES has reserved 80% of AES Colón’s termi- nal capacity for use by industrial and commer- cial companies in Panama and Central America.  e additional contracting potential is expected to serve as a further source of growth for the Company.
 e LNG hub at AES Colón was completed in record time of 39 months and has employed more than 2,000 Panamanians since the start of the project.
AES Corporation, October 18 2019
Week 42 24•October•2019
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