Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 42 2019
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 At the same time, it also reported that Qatar Petroleum had received licences for CAN/107 and CAN/109, two blocks located in the North Argentina Basin.
Then in May, the Secretariat of Energy handed out another 18 exploration licences for offshore blocks in the West Malvinas Basin to consortia formed by BP (UK), Eni,
Equinor (Norway), ExxonMobil, Mitsui, Plus- petrol (Argentina), Qatar Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell (UK/Netherlands), Tecpetrol, Total (France), Tullow Oil (UK/Ireland), Wintershall (Germany) and YPF (Argentina, government-owned).
These companies submitted bids worth $724mn for the blocks, according to Reuters.. ™
Brazil’s ANP authorises four more companies to bid for pre-salt fields
BRAZIL’S National Agency of Petroleum, Nat- ural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) revealed last week that it had added four more international oil companies (IOCs) to its list of businesses eligi- ble to participate in the next production-sharing bidding round.
In a statement, the agency said that its Special Bidding Committee had given the green light to divisions of Petrogal (Portugal), Equinor (Nor- way), Enauta Energia (Brazil) and Compania Espanola de Petroleos (Spain).  ese additions had brought the number of companies permit- ted to submit o ers in this bidding round up to 17, it said.
 e committee approved the other 13 com- panies on the list at a previous meeting on
October 2, it added. All 17 of the companies have met the requirements for bidding, it noted.  is will be the largest number of bidders ever cleared to participate in a Brazilian licens- ing round, ANP said.  e previous record was set last year, when the agency authorised 16  rms to take part in the fourth production-shar-
ing round, it explained.
Five blocks
ANP is offering five sites in the upcoming bidding round, which is due to take place on November 7. All five of the blocks – Aram, Bumerangue, Cruzeiro do Sul, Norte de Brava
and Sudoeste de Sagitario – lie within Brazil’s highly prospective pre-salt zone. 
Brazil has high hopes for its next offshore licensing rounds (Image: WoodMackenzie)
w w w . N E W S B A S E . c o m Week 42 24•October•2019

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