Page 20 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
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Padua Franciscan community. Students involved in other illegal or criminal conduct will be subject to disciplinary action. Severe offenses of this nature can result in dismissal.
(See DISCIPLINARY POLICIES: Dismissal, p. 28)
The Admissions Office is responsible for the processing of new student applications. For more information, call the Director of Enrollment at (440) 845-2444 ext. 184.
The Padua Parents Club exists to provide the parents/guardians of our Padua students the opportunity to become better acquainted with their children's school and to actively support its efforts on behalf of all the students. For more information, call Mr. Bob DiRcco or Mrs. Elizabeth Oles Smith at (440) 845-2444.
The Padua Music Association consists primarily of parents/guardians of children who take part in our vocal and instrumental music programs. The Padua Music Association provides the parents/guardians of these Padua students the opportunity to become better acquainted and to actively support its efforts on behalf of all the students. For further information, call the Fine Arts Department Chair at (440) 845-2444.
For the purpose of school policy, a student athlete is defined as any member of an interscholastic sports team or a cheerleader.
Christian Athlete
Padua students are expected to act as Christian young adults at all times. Discourteous conduct either on or off the playing surface will not be tolerated. Misconduct in the shower or locker room, in transit to games and practices, and on the athletic field or floor may result in suspension or expulsion from the team. Team prayer, mass on game days, or service projects are encouraged for personal improvement and team unity.
Academic Standards for Student-Athletes
There are two standards that athletes must meet in order to be scholastically eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics. The first is spelled out in the OHSAA Constitution and Bylaws in Bylaw 4-4. This regulation states that in order to be eligible for the current grading period (9 weeks), a student must have passed subjects in the preceding grading period (9 weeks) that earn a minimum of five credits per year towards graduation. Incoming ninth graders must have received a passing grade in a minimum of five of all subjects during the final grading period of the eighth grade in order to be eligible for the first grading period at Padua.
A student who does not meet the OHSAA Bylaw 4-4 is ineligible for an entire grading period.