Page 42 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 42
immediately if there is any "reason to believe" (O.R.C. 2151.421) that sexual abuse or violence has occurred involving a child less than eighteen years of age.
Appropriate actions will be taken by the school in cases where sexual violence has occurred or is alleged. These actions may include removal, suspension, or dismissal.
General sexual harassment should be construed as sexual violence when the recipient is physically touched without his/her consent in a sexual manner; is expressly threatened or perceives a threat of physical harm for purposes of the offender's sexual gratification; or is the victim of sex offenses under Ohio law, including Gross Sexual Imposition (O.R.C. 2907.05), Sexual Battery (O.R.C. 2907.03), Rape (O.R.C. 2907.02), Importuning (O.R.C. 2907.07), Voyeurism (O.R.C. 2907.08), Public Indecency (O.R.C. 2907.09), or Felonious Sexual Penetration (O.R.C. 2907.12) as examples. In each one of the above examples, the Department of Human Services and/or the police will be contacted immediately.
Infractions related to Hate Speech
Padua Franciscan High School seeks to create and foster a school community in which all individuals are treated with dignity, integrity, and respect. In light of this, every person has a human dignity which Padua Franciscan is committed to enhance and protect. We believe that all individuals are “created in the image and likeness of God.” For these reasons, the Padua Franciscan community is one in which all faculty, students, and staff are entitled to pursue their fullest intellectual, social, spiritual, emotional and physical potential. Hate speech of any kind interferes with this development and, therefore, will not be tolerated. Hate Speech is defined as abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation. It can include expressions of bias, derogatory slurs, and language that incites others to violence. Even though hate speech can be similar to harassment, it has its own unique character. Hence, the reason for this policy and procedure for dealing with infractions related to hate speech.
In order to deal with infractions of hate speech. Procedure for the Alleged Victim
● If the individual is comfortable doing so, he/she may communicate to the offender that the individual expects the behavior to stop. If the individual wants assistance communicating with the offender, the individual should ask a “safe adult,” a teacher, counselor or administrator to help.
● If the hate speech does not stop, or the individual does not feel comfortable confronting the offender, the individual should:
o Tell a “safe adult,” teacher, counselor, or administrator; and
o Use the Padua “incident form” to record what happened. The adult will make a copy
of the incident form, keep the original and give a copy to the student. o Write down exactly what happened:
▪ What, when, and where it happened;
▪ Who was involved; exactly what was said or what the offender did;
▪ Witnesses to the incident;
▪ What the student said or did, either at the time or later;
▪ How the student felt; and
▪ How the offender responded.