Page 60 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 60
Resources & Materials: Print resources (fiction, nonfiction, and reference) are available for students to borrow for a specified loan period. The Library also provides digital resources such as LibGuides and subscription databases for academic research conducted at school or home.
Student Use of the Library
The Padua Franciscan H.S. Library is an essential learning hub that provides a wide variety of information resources. The Padua Library serves as a quieter area for study, test-taking, tutoring, group work, club meetings, and relaxation. Students are permitted to use the Library before and after school, during specified Study Halls, and/or as scheduled by the Administrative Team or Counseling Dept. A certified librarian is available to serve students by providing assistance with academic needs, research pursuits, and personal interests. While the Library is a relaxed environment, it is still an academic area, and all Padua rules of conduct are expected to be followed.
Student Behavior in the Library
Students who have signed up for the library must remain there for the entire period. Passes to the restroom and lockers will not be given except in emergency situations. Quiet, individual study is expected at all times and all rules, as stated in the Padua Parent/Student Handbook must be followed. Food and drinks are not permitted in the library. Students who do not adhere to the rules of the library may be issued detentions and/or be prohibited from using the library. The library is intended to provide students and/or small groups a common place to gather for the productive completion of academic and/or extracurricular endeavors.
Fine Waiver & Destroyed/Lost Materials: Students are responsible for all materials that they borrow from the Padua Library. While fines are waived for materials returned before the end of the school year in which they were borrowed, students must pay a replacement cost for any destroyed or lost items. Students receive information regarding unreturned Library materials and replacement costs from the Library prior to the end of each semester. Any replacement fee must be paid prior to the end of the year or it will be forwarded to the Business Office.
With the addition of two new public entrances for the Padua Franciscan Community, certain behavior and rules are expected to be followed by both students and any individuals who may enter the building.
Please be advised that no food or drink is to be consumed while in either the front Lobby or the back Lobby. The consumption of food or drink is strictly prohibited when using these spaces, and if a student wishes to eat, they can do so in the cafeteria.
All students and individuals are also required to be respectful of any and all furniture that may be placed in either Lobby space. Both entrances are used as dual spaces, and for this reason, any student who is caught using the furniture in a way that is deemed inappropriate will be given a detention. The administration has the right to add additional consequences if behavior deems it necessary.
Locker decoration is permitted under limited circumstances only. Locker decorations by approved student groups must be with moderator supervision. Any other decoration (e.g. birthday celebrations) must be pre-approved by the Assistant Principal of Young Men or Young Women. Any form of writing or marking directly on the locker surface is prohibited. Blue tape is the only acceptable adhesive for decorating lockers. Confetti, glitter, and balloons are not to be used. Unauthorized locker