Page 81 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 81

 will be responsible for maintenance. Chromebooks that fail to work properly will be serviced by Padua Franciscan High School. Students must not modify, upgrade, or attempt to repair device issued under this policy. These same rules apply to Chromebook loaners.
Student Chromebooks, original boxes, and accessories (charger and battery) will be collected at the end of each school year for maintenance over summer vacation.
Students are responsible for keeping their Chromebooks clean and free of cosmetic damage. Students are responsible for keeping the hard covers on the Chromebook at all times.
If a student is restricted access to an academic site necessary for class, he or she should contact the teacher with details about the site. The teacher will then contact the Director of Technology for approval.
Loss or Repair or Theft of Your Chromebook
The Chromebook Help Desk is located in the Padua Library. Students are encouraged to take their Chromebooks to the Help Desk if they are having any problems, including missing screws, hardware issues or problems with Google Apps.
Normal Help Desk hours are 7:30 am to 2:35 pm on Monday through Friday.
All repairs or replacements for Chromebooks and charges are handled directly through the school’s Help Desk. All students are allowed one free repair for the year, however, that does not include repairs for defacement or negligence.
All repairs are subject to Help Desk and administrative approval, and if damage is found that is outside the bounds of what can be considered “accidental”, the student will be responsible to pay for the necessary replacement parts.
If repair is needed due to malicious damage (whether to an assigned or loaned Chromebook) further sanctions may result. Students and parents will be charged for Chromebook damage that is a result of misuse or abusive handling.
If extended service is necessary, a loaner Chromebook will be issued to the student until his/her Chromebook can be repaired or replaced.
Repaired Chromebooks will end up with the original factory image as first received. It is important that students keep their school data sync to Google drive so documents and class projects will not be lost.
Chromebooks lost at School can be reported to the General Office, Library, or Help Desk.
Loss or theft of the device must be reported to the school immediately. In the event a Chromebook is stolen, a copy of the police report must be submitted by the first subsequent business day following the theft. It is the family’s responsibility to report theft to the local police department.
However, in the event the Chromebook cannot be recovered, a new one will need to be purchased through the school.
Padua will not freely replace lost or stolen Chromebooks or chargers and the student will be required to purchase a new Chromebook or charger through the Help Desk.

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