Page 84 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 84

 Annually, Padua offers international and domestic tours for students, normally through a third party. Detailed information about these trips is provided at the initial meeting. They normally take place either during spring break or summer vacation. Students participating in these trips are subject to the same rules and regulations as for a field trip. In addition, all financial obligations to Padua must be current before a student may take part in these trips. Foreign language trips are open to second, third, and fourth year language students who are taking or who have taken the language which is offering the trip. The administration makes the final decisions on the eligibility of all student participants. Students who have already graduated will not be permitted to participate in any travel opportunity. In most cases this rule also applies to students on disciplinary probation.
Tuition for the 2022-23 school year is $13,550.
Registration of $150 paid in March 2022 (Incoming Freshmen).
Registration of $150 is due in May 2022
A deposit of $600 is due in May 2022 (for all students)
Payment Options for Tuition Balance:
A. Full Payment by July 31, 2022 - Directly to Padua Franciscan High School
B. Full Payment by July 31, 2022- Payable through MyPad (Blackbaud Tuition Management)
BBTM enrollment required prior to May 15, 2022
C. Monthly payments (11 months July-May)- Payable through MyPad (Blackbaud Tuition Management)
BBTM enrollment required prior to May 15, 2022
D. Monthly (10 months Aug.-May) Payable through MyPad (Blackbaud Tuition Management)
BBTM enrollment required prior to May 15, 2022
The deposit must be paid in full no later than May 15, 2022. If it is not received by that date, we must assume that the student is not returning, and the student’s course selections will be canceled. If there is an extenuating circumstance, please call the Business Office at (440)845-2444. THIS APPLIES TO ALL STUDENTS.
1) The tuition of each additional sibling in the family attending concurrently is discounted $1,500.
2) Scholarships and discounts do not apply to the $750, (deposit and registration) due in May. All
scholarships and discounts will be applied to the tuition balance.

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