Page 15 - The Paduan Summer 2021
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MedTrack® Gets Creative During COVID
The pandemic up-ended all programs at Padua. MedTrack® was no exception. Whether safely in-person, in a hybrid format, or completely virtual, the students still moved forward with exploring and preparing for careers in healthcare.
All MedTrack retreats were held in-person, with highlights including a walk through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park for seniors and even a special Stations of the Cross for healthcare workers for the sophomores. Students still collected dental items through Christmas for Others to support Promise for Haiti dental clinic.
Senior mock interviews pivoted to an online format in the fall, which provided valuable add-on experience to the students in learning to manage technological challenges.
The Honors Advanced Science Seminar class leveraged Zoom and GoogleMeet technology in a variety of ways, including hearing from MedTrack alumni speakers from across the state (Chad Jaenke ’16 and Anna Murad ’15). Students delivered their own conference presentations as either a taped session or live in class.
Seniors received virtual assistance from Carolyn Apperson- Hansen, who recently retired as both a senior research associate from Case Western’s Center for Clinical Investigation and an adjunct instructor in the Cleveland Clinic’s Department of Quantitative Health Sciences. She helped the students identify areas of concern in study design/methodology, data collection/ analysis, and conclusions when evaluating primary research articles. Carolyn also served in an advisory role as the students designed and defended their own research proposals during the second semester.
Seniors opted into extra events, such as virtual presentations by the VA’s Blind Rehabilitation Center in conjunction with Junior Achievement, as well as Case Western Reserve University’s Think Showcase, Human Fusions: How Humanity and Technology Interface to Change Lives.
First MedTrack Grads Enter Residency
Cameron Marcus ’13 and Kaitlyn Patacca ’15 have both successfully matched for their residencies — a milestone for them as well as the MedTrack program. Cameron attended Xavier University and the University of Toledo School of Medicine. He matched in Emergency Medicine at Akron General Hospital. Kaitlyn was part of an accelerated six-year medical program, attending Akron University and the Northeast Ohio Medical University. She matched in General Surgery at St. Elizabeth’s in Youngstown.