Page 19 - Parent/Student Handbook
P. 19

Attendance Policy for Student-Athletes
Student-athletes are expected to follow the general attendance policies of the school, as stated on pp. 7-9 in the Parent-Student handbook. This means that student-athletes are expected to attend all of their classes in a school day, regardless of the previous night’s or that current day’s activities. Student-athletes can be disciplined for repeated absences or tardies in conjunction with athletic contests.
Student athletes absent from school due to illness are not permitted to participate with the team in any capacity on the day of absence. A student is considered absent from school if he/she arrives to school after 11am or leaves school prior to the end of the school day. Excused absences for college visits, doctor appts., funerals, etc. do not require the student to attend school from 11 am-2:30 pm, but those absences must be approved by the Assistant Principal of Men or Women.
Student athletes who have their credits removed based on attendance issues may be denied participation in interscholastic athletic activities and contests for the remainder of the current school year.
Controlled Substance Policy
For many reasons, athletes are held to a strict, year-round, no use standard with respect to tobacco,
alcohol and drugs. First of all, it is completely contrary to the concept of athletic training and competition for athletes to use such substances. It is also incompatible with the concept of team sports and the commitment we ask from our athletes to make to each other.
Also, athletes are accorded a certain amount of respect and prestige as a result of their participation in Padua’s athletic programs. They become role models to other students as well as to youngsters in the grade school programs. With this status comes additional responsibility. Lastly, as school representatives in interscholastic competition, our athletes convey to the community the values and image of Padua. Athletes are cautioned that they may be guilty by association, i.e., being observed in the company of someone using tobacco and alcohol.
In addition to the athletic consequences listed below, when deemed necessary by the school Administration and/or its Athletic Department, school sanctions may be imposed including but not limited to detentions, suspensions and/or dismissal from school as stated on pp. 27-28 in the Parent- Student Handbook. Furthermore, professional assessment (including a drug test) and adherence to any recommended follow-up treatment may be imposed as a condition for return to sports participation.
Any use of tobacco products (possession, sale, etc.) is not permitted throughout the athlete’s four years at Padua. Athletes observed anywhere (on or off school premises) using tobacco are in violation of this rule. In the case of a verified incident with a student using, possessing or selling drugs or alcohol, the student will face disciplinary actions through the athletic department, along with further response from the school, as per the Parent-Student handbook.
When the incident is verified by the school Administration and/or its Athletic Department, the athlete will have the following athletic consequences:
• First Offense:
o In-Season: Suspension from two contests during the regular season of competition
(except for football – one game) as outlined by the OHSAA dates (‘season begin’)
o Off-Season: Suspension from two contests beginning with the first day of regular season
competition (except for football – one game) as outlined by the OHSAA dates (‘season begin’).

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